Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Lance Corporal David Travis Bailey

South Carolina Highway Patrol, South Carolina

End of Watch Wednesday, April 5, 2000

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Reflections for Lance Corporal David Travis Bailey

On the 9th anniversary of our loss, we still miss you and long for the time when we will be together again. I found this poem that sums up my feelings as a mom.

I'll lend to you, for a little while, a child of mine" He said,
"for you to love while he lives, and mourn when he is dead.
It may be six or seven years or twenty-two or three,
but will you, 'til I call him back, take care of him for me?
He'll bring his charms to gladden you, and shall his stay be brief,
you'll have his lovely memories as solace for your grief.
I cannot promise he will stay, as all from earth return, but there are lessons taught down there
I want this child to learn.
I've looked the wide world over in my search for teacher true,
and from the throngs that crowd life's lances, I have selected you.
Now will you give him all your love-not think the labor vain,
nor hate when I come to call to take him back again?"

I fancied that I heard myself say,
'Dear Lord, thy will be done,
for all the joy this child shall bring,
the risk of grief I'll run.
I'll shower him with tenderness
and love him while I may,
and for the happiness I've known,
forever grateful stay.
And should the angels call for him much sooner than I planned,
I'll brave the bitter grief that comes, and try to understand'.

I love and miss you.


April 5, 2009

"For the Lord himself will come down from heaven,
with a loud command, with the voice of the archangel
and with the trumpet call of God, and the dead in Christ will rise first. After that, we who are still alive and are left will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And so we will be with the Lord forever."
I Thessalonians 4:16-17

I miss you brother,


January 9, 2009

To one of my brothers I never had growing up this time of year is alway the hardest bymissing and thinking of you. Loooking back at all laughs and good times we shared during hunting season, it's just not the same anymore. No one can ever replace that part in my and Shae's heart that is reserved just for you. Every time we watch an Adam Sandler movie we laugh and remember you imitating his lady hoohoo saying. I'm trying my best now to live my life for the Good Lord as you did. So I will never say goodbye because one day I will see you in Glory Land and we'll pick up where we left off here. Later and will always Love you, DC, Shae & Briana the neice you never got too meet

L/CPL Daniel Campbell
SCHP Friends for life

October 14, 2008

Fear not, for I have redeemed you;
I have summoned you by name; you are mine.
When you pass through the waters,
I will be with you;
and when you pass through the rivers,
they will not sweep over you.
When you walk through the fire,
you will not be burned;
the flames will not set you ablaze.
For I am the Lord, your God,
the Holy One of Israel,
your Savior.
Isaiah 43:1-3

I miss you brother,


August 29, 2008

Rest in peace Trooper Bailey. I met one of your family members in Myrtle Beach, SC this summer (2008). He smiled and spoke highly of you. Thank you for your service to this great nation..........


July 17, 2008

I just wanted to say I miss you "brother". Day by day goes by that I think back when you were here the times we shared. People see the bracelet on my wrist and ask who is that, I respond that He was my Best Friend and a BROTHER in the BADGE. I know your keeping the streets in HEAVEN safe as you did down here!!!! Miss ya man!!

Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding;
In all your ways acknowledge Him and He shall direct your paths. Proverbs 3:5-6

Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God.
Mathew 5:9

Officer Neil Wooten
GSP Airport Police/ FRIEND

June 20, 2008

I just want to say that you made a trmendous impact on my life. There isn't a day that goes by that I don't thinks of you. We had some good times together in Abbeville. I really miss our annual football game on Genesis. I know that you are still with me in spirit but you will always be a part of me my friend. My son was born on April 5,2005 and I named him David after you. There is so much that I would like to say to you. I know you are up in Heaven doing you duty. I love and miss you .

Robby Ballenger

Robby Ballenger

April 16, 2008


Pat Van Den Berghe

April 7, 2008

Yesterday marked the 8th anniversary of your deliverance from this earth into the presence of the Father. I still mourn our loss but rejoice in your victory. I know you and Tommy are watching over all of us and cheering us on in this life. Sometimes I feel you very near.
I wish you were here to see the neices and nephews that have been born to our family and to see Greggory finally at 18 years old. You would be so proud of all of them and you are their hero even in your absence. Lee and Lori have reached new heights in their walk with the Lord and have become wonderful parents, just like I know you would have been.
Your freinds have not forgotten you and remind me often that they miss you, too. I thank God that we were allowed to have you with us for 27 years. Knowing that we will spend eternity together makes the pain so much easier to bear.
Until I see you again, remember..
I love you, Mom

Fran O'Dell

April 6, 2008

"Let not your heart be troubled;
you believe in God, believe also in Me.
In My Father's house are many mansions;
if it were not so, I would have told you.
I go to prepare a place for you.
And if I go and prepare a place for you,
I will come again and receive you to Myself;
that where I am, there you may be also."
John 14:1-3

I miss you brother,

April 5, 2008

Me and Allie were just visiting. We come now and again to feel close to you. Allie only has memories so she likes to come and read what other people have written.We think of you often especially on nights like this when we are sitting and now waiting for her dad to come home from his shift. We love you!!


February 24, 2008

"The Badge"
He starts his shift each day
To respond to calls unknown.
He drives a marked patrol car.
A police officer he is known.
He's paid by the citizens' taxes
To make it safe on the streets.
But he usually has a second job
'Cause a waitress has his salary beat.
Now he doesn't know a holiday
'Cause he works all year round.
And when Thanksgiving and Christmas finally arrive
At his home he cannot be found.
He's cursed and assaulted often,
The one whos blood runs blue.
He seldom ever gets a thanks,
To some he's just a fool.
His friends are always other cops
'Cause people just don't understand
That underneath his badge and gun,
He's just another man.
He knows there might not be a tomorrow
In this world of drugs and crime.
And he gets so mad at the court system
'Cause the crooks don't get any time.
And each day when he leaves for work,
He prays to God above.
Please bring me home after my shift
So I can see the ones I love.
But tonight he stops a speeding car,
He's alone down this ole' highway.
It's just a little traffic infraction.
He does it everyday.
Well, he walks up to the driver's window,
And his badge is shining bright.
He asked the guy for a driver's license,
When a shot rang through the night.
Yes, the bullet hit its mark,
Striking the officer in the chest.
But the Department's budget didn't buy
Each officer a bullet-proof vest.
So he lay on the ground bleeding.
His blood wasn't blue - His blood was red.
And briefly he thought of his loved ones
'Cause in a moment the officer was dead.
In the news they told the story
Of how this officer had died.
And some who listened cared less,
But those who loved him cried.
Well, they buried him in uniform
With his badge pinned on his chest.
He even had his revolver,
He died doing his best.
Written By:
David L. Bell
Richland County Sheriff's Department
Columbia, South Carolina
Used with Special Permission of the Author
Copyright © 1999 - All Rights Reserved
and may not be duplicated without permission

Investigator David L Bell
Richland County Sheriff's Dept., Columbia, SC

November 16, 2007

"He shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old:
Age shall not weary him, nor years condemn
At the going down of the sun and in the morning
We will remember him."

I read this and thought of you.
I miss you.

November 8, 2007

Thank You For all you did for my family and this state! I remember you donald voice that always made me laugh! Those where great times even though I was very little. We all miss you greatly!

June 5, 2007

"No person was ever honoured for what he received. Honour has been the reward for what he gave."
--Calvin Coolidge

Debbie Brewer
citizen and COPS member

May 25, 2007

We lost another officer last night and it takes me back to the night we lost you. Officers sacrifice so much to keep the rest of us safe and they will never now how much they are really appreciated. We still miss you very much and will always love you and will ALWAYS keep your memory alive!

Millie Wooten

February 28, 2007

Brother, I wanted to say we miss you! I know your smiling from HEAVEN, Merry Christmas! Take Good Care Of My Mom up there! R.I.P.

Officer Neil Wooten
GSP Airport Police

December 24, 2006

David, I always wondered where you ended up after college, then I found this today. I wish I had known earlier, my brother. God Bless your family


Off. J. Carter
Belle Meade, Tn PD

December 6, 2006

thank you for your will never be forgotten. r.i.p.

fairfield county s-o lanc,ohio

December 6, 2006

You are missed by family, friends and co-workers. May you rest in peace, Sir! You will never be forgotten.

Police Officer

November 3, 2006

David and family,
My memories of David extend to my college years.. Ryan's in fact, and David's love for Chocolate Chip Cookies. His father served with my father on the patrol. Little Bailey's what we called him. I will never forget the phone call from my mom on April 5... My brother now serves on the patrol and I am reminded of the true danger that lies in the job and the sacrifice men and women like him face every day. Thank you for all the smiles and laughter you brought to everyone you met. You are truely missed.


Jennifer Adams

July 25, 2006

I had the honor of being David's roomate at the South Carolina Patrol academy. I can recall David being so proud that he was following in his father's foot steps by becoming a SC State Trooper. David loved to tell his daddy stories, he would say daddy did this and daddy did that. I knew it was because he was so proud of his father. I had many talks at night with David about life, the patrol and God.I also remember when David and I had to take the legals part of the academy, I'm not sure who was more worried him or me, we stayed up all night asking each other questions that could be on the test.In the end we both passed and had many laughs after the academy about how worried we were taking that part of the academic course. I have a special assurance that David is with God through the many talks we had at the academy and that gave me strength through David's passing. I was involved in an auto accident while on duty in 1997, that forced me to retire from the Patrol, David was the first to call me in the hospital. I can recall his exact word's that God has a plan for us all and to keep my chin up. David has now been gone for six years but I'll never forget the friendship he and I started twelve years ago. I am thankful that David thought enough of me to call me his friend. It isn't everyday that you meet someone as wonderful as David. I want to say to his family and friends, I will always miss David and his memory and my prayers for you will last forever.

Disabled Retired SC Trooper K.T. Kinard

July 19, 2006

To Lance Corporal David Travis Bailey and his loved ones:

On this the sixth anniversary of your tragic death, please know that your memory is honored and revered today.

My heart goes out to your family. You’re in our thoughts and our prayers.
Reading the loving reflections about your beloved David gives us some understanding of what a kind and honorable man he was, and how many good times he shared with his family members
and friends.

Rest in Peace, Lance Corporal Bailey. I am humbled by your valor, courage, and dedication.

This reflection is sent with the utmost respect for the distinquished service David gave to his community and the citizens of South Carolina, and for the supreme sacrifice he and his family made on April 5, 2000.

Phyllis L. Loya, mother of fallen officer Larry Lasater, eow 4/24/05

April 5, 2006

Lance Corporal Bailey you are a hero. Thank you for your service to the citizens of South Carolina. It has been six years since the end of your watch, you are still remembered. May you rest in peace my brother. May God bless you and your loved ones.

State Constable J.L. Green
S.C. State Constables

April 5, 2006

As we go through our daily lives, we still see many memories of you. We thought that as time passed by, it would get easier. The time that you were with us, left so many lasting impressions. Each day we find ourselves telling David stories. I remember when you came to Abbeville, my first impressions of you were not very good. You worked so hard to gain my trust and in the end, you not only gained my trust but my respect also. I don't believe that I could have had a more true or caring friend than you. You captured not only my heart but Pam or Mamason as you called her and Codyman. When we lost you, Cody closed up and to this day, has a hard time getting close to any troopers. Losing your first babysitter is hard. To this day, Cody has a picture of you and him in his room. Cody someday may wear the proud grey uniform. Thank you for the impression you left on Cody. We miss you every day and don't get to hear all of those stories that you were so good at telling. I know that you are in Heaven waiting for us. The last time we ate lunch with you, I was so proud of you. You told us that you were active in church and you were the one that said the blessing. Because of what we saw, my family also became active in church. I know you were a Christian and are in Heaven now. We will see you on the other side. We will continue to pray for your family. Also, part of us has died with you. Until we see you again, we love you my brother.
Robbie, Mamason and Codyman

L/Cpl. R.M. Warren
S.C. Highway Patrol

January 28, 2006

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