Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer John C. Knight

Chicago Police Department, Illinois

End of Watch Saturday, January 9, 1999

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Reflections for Police Officer John C. Knight

Johnny, this is Jimmy, We used to dream about being partners when we were kids on the streets of Chicago. My heart is always heavy I miss you brother.

James "Jimmy" Oaklawn

September 14, 2014

Still missing my best friend. Miss you forever

Tim Taylor

Tim Taylor

June 24, 2014

Thinking of you and all of your loved ones today and every day. Continue to wrap your wings around all of them and protect them from harm and help them with their grief. You have not been forgotten.

Bob Gordon
Father of Fallen Chicago Officer: Michael P. Gordon, EOW: 8/8/04

January 9, 2014

John, miss you friend. Thanks for your continued presence and for looking out for me. Keep your family safe as well as your officers in blue.

PO Brian McKendry
Chicago Police

January 9, 2014

Hard to believe its been 15 years already. RIP Johnny...Miss you my friend....continue to watch over us all...

John Boy

January 9, 2014

John; it's snowing hard this week just like it was the week you were taken from us. Well I just wanted to say hi and let you know that you are still in our hearts.

Lt. Carl Riggenbach
Chicago Polie (retired)

January 2, 2014

As I read your story and the reflections I learn what a great person and brave hero our world has lost. "It is not how these officers died that made them heroes, it is how they lived". Respect, honor, remember.

GayAnne Birkholz
mother of Officer Craig Birkholz, Fond du Lac, Wi.EOW 3/20/11

December 31, 2013

Rest in Peace, Officer Knight. Your sacrifice is not forgotten.

Officer 11169

April 27, 2012

You are one CPD officer that I will never forget. I come from a CPD family and I am reminded of you every day I drive down 111th St and see your name on the street sign. I was only a young kid when your life was taken but I remember it very clearly. Your brothers and sisters in blue will never forget you either. RIP.


April 12, 2012

Think of you often. miss our days at Br. Rice. To me you are forever young.
Marty Ryan

MArty Ryan

February 20, 2012

Thinking of you and all of your loved ones today. Continue to keep watch over all of them. You have not been forgotten by those who love you or care about you.

Bob Gordon
Father of Fallen Chicago Officer: Michael P. Gordon, EOW: 8/8/04

January 9, 2012

Your heroism and service is honored today, the 13th anniversary of your death. Your memory lives and you continue to inspire. Thank you for your service. My cherished son Larry Lasater was a fellow police officer who was murdered in the the line of duty on April 24, 2005 while serving as a Pittsburg, CA police officer.

Time never diminishes respect. Your memory will always be honored and revered. I pray for solace for all those who love and remember you for I know both the pain and pride are forever.

Rest In Peace

Phyllis Loya
Mom of fallen California Officer Larry Lasater, Pittsburg PD, eow 4/24/05

January 9, 2012

The last time I saw John, a friend and I had walked up to Roseangela's for some pizza. While there, John & John came in for "lunch". We goofed around and talked about days gone by. After finishing up, they gave us a lift home, because it had begun to rain. We got out of the cop car at 99th & California, they pulled away and we looked at one another knowingly, marveling at the simple fact that the only thing that separated us from the devil himself were heroic men like John and John. God Bless you John always. God bless your family. And kids, know that your Dad was an honest to goodness hero and that you should honor his memory by always treating your Mother exceedingly well and always doing the right thing and always doing your best. He would like that.

Classmate, teamate, & friend

December 22, 2011

On my way to Ridge Park this morning I walked past your house. It was overcast and raining but with a light drizzle. I said a prayer for your family and the repose of your soul. On my way home I noticed the clouds had parted over your home and although it was still drizzling, the sun was shining on your home only. John you will never be forgotten. God bless you and your family.

Commander Daniel L. Alvarado

July 29, 2011

John, although it has been 12 years since your ultimate sacrifice please know that the CPD will never allow you to be forgotten. You were a good police officer and those who worked with you will allow your memory to linger. Thank you.

Detective Thomas Downes

January 10, 2011

Remembering a friend and a hero. Rest well, Sparky, you are loved and missed.


January 9, 2011

To John's wife & kids & family,
You ought to know that countless times over these last 11+ years I have thought of John. I remember him from Rice and softball and the neighborhood as just a great guy following in his Dad's footsteps, stepping up to stand between the regular folks and the sinister ones. You should also know that I pray for John often. And I never fail to stop by his headstone when visiting family graves on certain holidays. It is always adorned with various mementos and it never fails to bring a tear to my eye when I think of the children growing up without their dear Dad. If there's one thing John would want, it is this: Kids, live up to your potential, respect your Mother always, study hard, work hard, play hard and achieve. Become the best you can be, despite not having John with you daily. Know that he watches over you and expects you to put your best effort forth, just like he would. May God bless John always and may God bless the Knight families

anonymous friend of John's

September 18, 2010

Rest in Peace...your memory and honor shall never be forgotten.

Sgt. Robert Henne/Retired
Jersey City PD

May 29, 2010

Slán agus beannacht leat.

p/o--022nd dist
chicago p.d.

January 9, 2010

Stay strong family

George Fisher
B.R.& Relaitive in law

April 1, 2009

Rest in peace brother.


March 26, 2009

Ten years have pasted since you left us it seams like
yesterday. John you were a bright,loveable son and
great husband and father. Joan and the kids are doing well.
I will miss and love you till the end of time.

Ptlmn. Charles L Knight

January 26, 2009


On the 10 year anniversary of your end of watch, you are sorely missed but not forgotten. The family reminds your kids of how you would have reacted to something, your mannerisms or your antics. Joan has done a wonderful job raising three considerate and bright children. Please keep them under your wing.

Mary Beth Ciukaj

January 9, 2009

10yrs have passed with the blink of an eye, yet your legacy lives on...NEVER FORGET "A Knight to remeber"


January 9, 2009

Rest in peace brother.


January 9, 2009

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