Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Officer Robert A. White

San Jose Police Department, California

End of Watch Sunday, January 27, 1985

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Reflections for Officer Robert A. White

God rest his soul.

Sgt. Robert A. Henne
Jersey City PD/Ret.

September 16, 2024

Rest in peace.


January 27, 2023

In Honor And Respect, Officer Robert White... Thank You For Your Dedicated Service To Law Enforcement... May Peace And Blessings Be With Your Family... May You Rest In Eternal Peace, Officer Robert White...

Gail Mercado

January 27, 2022

Rest in peace Officer White.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 15, 2020

Rest In Peace Brother in Blue. Thank you and your family for your sacrifice and service.

Officer Mike Robinson (Ret)
Upland Police Dept. CA

January 27, 2018

I hope that the memory of Bob will never be forgotten.After many years have passed our family has never been the same.Bob was close to our Mom and every year her birthday is two days after the day Bob died.This year she will turn 83 years old. Her wish is for everyone to take a moment on Jan.27th and thank Bob for his sacifice.
We miss him everyday.

Kathy O'Carroll Sister of Robert A White San Jose Police Officer 01/27/1985

January 27, 2017

Thank you for your kind words and I appreciate reading about your stories with some connection to Bob as he was just beginning a new chapter in his life. I truly miss him and have so many good memories from years ago. His German Shepard who was about to start training right before his death lived with us but waited for Bob by the window every night. I am grateful to all of you who take the time for police officers here and honor them as this means alot to the families.

Nora White- Bob is my son

May 3, 2015

I remember walking into the department and noticing everyone quiet. I asked what was wrong. "We lost a brother.". Bob was my GF's brother. Shock was beyond my emotion. Patti had left for North Carolina that morning. I had to call her with the news. Bob was a fine young man and a shining star with the department. After 30 years in law enforcement...I still think of him to this day. He is missed

JB Officer...Retired Deputy
Santa Clara County Probation Deptartment (Retired)

October 18, 2014

Rest in Peace, Officer White. Your sacrifice is not forgotten.

Officer 11169

January 22, 2012

Your heroism and service is honored today, the 26th anniversary of your death. Your memory lives and you continue to inspire. Thank you for your service. My cherished son Larry Lasater was a fellow police officer who was murdered in the line of duty on April 24, 2005 while serving as a Pittsburg, CA police officer.

Time never diminishes respect. Your memory will always be honored and revered. I hope to one day meet your family at a NORCAL COPS function.

Rest In Peace

Phyllis Loya
mom of fallen officer Larry Lasater

January 27, 2011

I went out on a collision today under similar circumstances and Bob came to mind instantly. I used to have meals with him at the Burger Pit where we all would meet in SJ. I was working the day he was killed and heard it on the radio. Bob, you kept me safe tonight, thanks! Hard to believe it's been 24 years. Keep watch over us!

Cpl. Michael Brookman
Morgan Hill Police Department

July 21, 2009

I was a 14 year-old newspaper carrier for the San Jose Mercury News when this event happened. That morning, perhaps two hours after Officer White died in the line of duty, I pedaled my bicycle up Tumble Way toward Old Piedmont Road as part of my route. The house to the right of the electrical box, as well as two houses across the street from the box, were customers of mine. It was still dark as I approached the area where the transformer was. A PG&E service truck was parked in front of the damaged electrical box, presumably guarding it until repairs could be made. As I approached, the man in the truck shined the spotlight on me. He shut it off when he saw that I was just a paperboy. The area was taped off and I could see that the box had significant damage to it. I had no interest in getting any closer than I had to. It wasn’t until later that day that my dad, who watched the news every night, told me that an officer died there early that morning. At the time when I read the article in the paper the following day I was surprised at the fact that someone could, and actually did, get instantly killed by just touching a seemingly harmless box that I had ridden my bicycle past perhaps hundreds of times. I’m now 38 and work on high voltage equipment for a living. I never met Officer White but this event is a primary reference point that I use to remind myself and others how dangerous electricity can be. I thought about that incident recently and, thanks to the internet, was able to research it and for the first time see a picture of the officer. I was unaware that he was only 25 years old. I don’t know if his family will ever read this but if anyone does please know that I use this incident as a cautionary tale to others in my field as to how dangerous electricity can be. Perhaps a life will be saved by my telling of this sad incident. God bless Officer Robert White.

Jon Straley
No relation

November 22, 2008



January 23, 2008

"The Badge"

He starts his shift each day
To respond to calls unknown.
He drives a marked patrol car.
A police officer he is known.

He's paid by the citizens' taxes
To make it safe on the streets.
But he usually has a second job
'Cause a waitress has his salary beat.

Now he doesn't know a holiday
'Cause he works all year round.
And when Thanksgiving and Christmas finally arrive
At his home he cannot be found.

He's cursed and assaulted often,
The one whos blood runs blue.
He seldom ever gets a thanks,
To some he's just a fool.

His friends are always other cops
'Cause people just don't understand
That underneath his badge and gun,
He's just another man.

He knows there might not be a tomorrow
In this world of drugs and crime.
And he gets so mad at the court system
'Cause the crooks don't get any time.

And each day when he leaves for work,
He prays to God above.
Please bring me home after my shift
So I can see the ones I love.

But tonight he stops a speeding car,
He's alone down this ole' highway.
It's just a little traffic infraction.
He does it everyday.

Well, he walks up to the driver's window,
And his badge is shining bright.
He asked the guy for a driver's license,
When a shot rang through the night.

Yes, the bullet hit its mark,
Striking the officer in the chest.
But the Department's budget didn't buy
Each officer a bullet-proof vest.

So he lay on the ground bleeding.
His blood wasn't blue - His blood was red.
And briefly he thought of his loved ones
'Cause in a moment the officer was dead.

In the news they told the story
Of how this officer had died.
And some who listened cared less,
But those who loved him cried.

Well, they buried him in uniform
With his badge pinned on his chest.
He even had his revolver,
He died doing his best.

Written By:
David L. Bell
Richland County Sheriff's Department
Columbia, South Carolina
Used with Special Permission of the Author
Copyright © 1999 - All Rights Reserved
and may not be duplicated without permission

Investigator David L Bell
Richland County Sheriff's Dept., Columbia, SC

December 6, 2007

To the White family & friends:

I was looking through to find which dedicated Officers fell on this day and to give them my blessing. I came across Robert's name because he (like my husband is) was a CA officer. The story of a young man taken so young just breaks my heart, as I'm sure it still does all of you. It's wonderful to hear S.J. still honors their fallen yearly. In my eyes, such a fine man as Officer White will never be forgotten. God Bless him & all of you.

Lydia Ambrose
Wife of Burbank, CA Police Officer

January 27, 2005

Robert (Bob)was a member of our family and is always in our heart and memories of him will never be forgotten.

We are proud and honored to have had Bob in our lives and witnessed his dedication to his law enforcement career. He is truly missed and the city of San Jose along with the police dept. take time to honor the fallen officers each year. Thank you
Kathy (Bob's sister)


January 1, 2005

Robert you are not forgotten. You are another warrior who has given the greatest sacrifice. Thank you. 7/31/03

Sr. Trooper Keith Miller
Oregon State Police

Rest in Peace are not forgotten


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