Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer Peter J. Tierney

Nahant Police Department, Massachusetts

End of Watch Tuesday, September 4, 1934

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Reflections for Police Officer Peter J. Tierney

Officer Tierney,
On today, the 90th anniversary of your death I would just like to say thank you for your service and sacrifice for the citizens of Nahant.

BPA Mike Casey
United States Border Patrol(Retired)

September 4, 2024

Officer Tierney, it has been 89 years since you were taken from us. New England law enforcement has continued to thrive, learn and become safer due to the traditions and sacrifices you, your family, and many others have made for us. Thank you for your law enforcement service.

Chief (Ret) Steven Marshall
Georges Mills, NH

September 4, 2023

Rest in peace always and please know that your service and sacrifice will never, ever be forgotten by your fellow law enforcement.

Detective Cpl/3 Steven Rizzo
Delaware State Police (Retired)

September 4, 2020

Officer Tierney's, son and grandson carried on the tradition of police service to the Town Of Nahant. Son was, George E. Tierney and Grandson was Gerry (Duke) Titus. May you all rest in peace.

Chief William F. Waters, RET.
Nahant Police Department

August 13, 2019

Rest in peace Sgt. T. J. Jones.
Thank you for your honorable service and sacrifice. Continued condolences to his family, friends and colleagues.
Heavenly Father hear our prayers.

Jade Lang

September 4, 2018

The promise... Always honored, never forgotten.

Sgt. T. J. Jones
Greater Cleveland Transit Police Department, Ohio

September 4, 2014

To fully appreciate the heroes of the present, we must recognize our heroes of the past. Your heroism and service is honored today, the 79th anniversary year of your death. I am priviliged to leave a tribute to you. Your memory lives and you continue to inspire. Thank you for your service. My cherished son Larry Lasater was a fellow police officer who was murdered in the line of duty on April 24, 2005 while serving as a Pittsburg, CA police officer.

Time never diminishes respect. Your memory will always be honored and revered. Rest In Peace.

Phyllis Lasater Loya
mom of fallen Pittsburg (CA) officer Larry Lasater

April 28, 2013

To Officer Timothy Furlong, Nahant PD:

I just came back to this site while doing some family research and saw that you've done some research on my great-grandfather's death. Thank you very much for doing this - it confirms my basic understanding as to what happened, but adds details of which I wasn't aware. I will pass this information along to my Dad, Officer Tierney's grandson, who will certainly appreciate it!

Incidentally, George Tierney, Peter's son and my father's uncle, was also a Nahant Police officer. His nephew, Gerry Titus, retired from the NPD recently, but passed away a few years ago.

I haven't been to Nahant in years, but plan to pay a visit soon. Will plan to stop by the station to offer my thanks for your assistance in person!

Mike Noonan

Mike Noonan

June 30, 2011

A great Irish cop with a great Irish name. I look forward to speaking with you one day. God Bless!!!

Tierney #1205

September 22, 2010

Officer Tierney, first off, reading the updated story by Officer Furlong made me have all the more respect for you as a tough cop. I'm in awe of guys like you who, despite what may happen, can take his/her prisoner into custody. You truly were an impressive man.

Second, in response to Mr. Noonan’s (your great-grandson) doubt if he should leave a reflection; Mr. Noonan, Officer Tierney is a member of your family. You descended from him you have more right to leave a reflection than anyone else that has or will.

Ptl. Jim Leahy, Jr.
Harvard University Police Dept.

June 17, 2010

In response to Mr. Michael Noonan:

Mr. Noonan,
I have just completed some research, and submitted updated information on your great grandfather. His injuries were as a result of an assualt and battery, after taking a former Navy boxer into custody. The assailant, Joseph Junkins of Lynn, struck Patrolman Tierney with his fists. Contrary to popular belief, Patrolman Tierney was not struck with a beer bottle. Patrolman Tierney suffered a fractured skull and also received a blood clot on his brain as a result of the altercation. Patrolman Tierney was knocked unconcious, came to, and then placed Junkins into custody. Your great-grandfather served this Department and Town with honor, and paid the ultimate sacrifice. His memory has not gone unrecognized. We should all be honored that men like your Great-grandfather lived. I hope this answers your questions.

Officer Timothy M. Furlong
Nahant Police Department

March 20, 2009

I'm not a police officer, so I'm not sure if it's appropriate for me to leave a reflection here. Officer Peter J. Tierney was, however, my great-grandfather and I'd like to obtain more information as to the circumstances of his death. My understanding is that Officer Tierney was killed while attempting to break up a fight. I plan to contact the Nahant Police Department to obtain more information.

Officer Tierney's wife, my great-grandmother, emigrated from Ireland around the turn of the century and was a truly extraordinary woman. She died in 1978 at age 101, when I was 15. Peter J. Tierney - and Nana - rest in peace.

Michael F. Noonan

November 20, 2007

Officer Tierney,
On today, the 73rd anniversary of your murder, I would like to say thank you for your service and sacrifice for the citizens of Nahant.



September 5, 2007

Officer Tierney, today marks the 73rd anniversary of your murder. We can only hope that the individual(s) responsible faced true justice at some point in their miserable existence, if not in this world, then in the next. You have NOT been forgotten and you ARE a hero.

God Bless and may you continue to Rest in Peace, Brother.

Ptl. Jim Leahy, Jr.
Harvard University Police Dept.

September 5, 2007

Officer Tierney, You have received your reward in heaven for doing God's work down here. Rest in peace brother.

Sergeant Bill Waters

August 30, 2007

No fallen Brother shall be forgotten. Rest In Peace.

Sergeant Stephen Shultz
Nahant Police

March 25, 2007

No Officer should be without a reflection.

REst in Peace, Officer Tierney. We will take it from here.

Medford, MA. Police Department

August 15, 2005

No Officer should be without a reflection.

REst in Peace, Officer Tierney. We will take it from here.

Medford, MA. Police Department

August 15, 2005

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