Chicago Police Department, Illinois
End of Watch Sunday, August 16, 1970
Reflections for Patrolman James Alfano, Jr.
Rest in peace Patrolman Alfano.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
May 13, 2019
I hope I am not intruding on your privacy by writing to you. I know it might seem strange, but this has been with me for most of my life.
I met your dad when I was 9 years old. I wanted to learn how to speak Italian and my dad’s best friend was a detective for the Chicago Police Department and mentioned that to your dad. One night my dad’s friend brought your dad by our home and introduced him to me. He taught me a few words and came back over a few more times and taught me a few more words. Being just 9, I was so impressed and in awe of this policeman taking time out for me.
I remember one day my dad told me your dad had gotten shot in that alley. I prayed all day for him. Then my dad gave me the very sad news about your dad’s passing. I remember like it was yesterday being one of the worst days for me. Being 9 years old I really couldn’t understand the reason why this happened. I have wondered over the years about his family. I wanted you and your family to know I think of him often. I can’t imagine what you and your family have gone through without him. I do want you to know he left a lasting impression on me. I am now 58 years old today. For some reason I looked your dad up on Google today and saw your posting so I thought I would leave you this message.
diane hood
September 22, 2018
Dad I waited all day to type this.....I woke up thinking of you and then I tried to push all the thoughts out of my head. Today is 48 years since you left this Earth doing what you loved....serving and protecting. Mom called and I let the machine pick up and there she was crying, barely getting the words out...telling me how she was thinking of me and how hard this day is and how much she loves me. Dad I wish with all my heart that you were here with us. Mom has had a broken heart for 48 years and John and I have had 48 years without our dad....I love you dad and I wish I could hear you say those very words to me. You gave your life, the ultimate sacrifice. God Bless you. I will forever wish that things were different, but this is the only way I know...and that is having a piece of my heart forever missing. You are not forgotten and you are forever honored Dad...I love you and I miss you. God Bless each and every man and woman who put on the uniform and risk their lives each day....I thank you all!
Jacqueline Alfano Stone
August 16, 2018
I've found news articles describing how my Father, Patrolman David E Agay, retired from the St Joseph MI, Police Dept. and Michigan State Police Trooper Roger Waldron responding to a broadcast over NCIC for help involving Chicago Det. Alfano. Det Alfano had a very rare type of blood and the matching type was critically needed to try and save him. My Father and Trooper Waldron had the blood type Det Alfano desperately needed. They left St Joseph MI in a Michigan State Police radio car, responding with lights and sirens. I remember my Dad telling me when they got to the Illinois, Chicago PD radio cars were waiting to escort them to the hospital. Unfortunately Det Alfano still didn't survive his injuries. My dad and much of his family were from Chicago, I'm sure he and Det. Alfano met once again, sharing stories after my Dad pass away in 1999. My dad also served in the US Army, First Infantry Division - Big Red One, during the Korea conflict.
Chief Milton A Agay (r)
Benton Harbor Police Department / (son of Patrolman David Agay)
May 27, 2018
He was my neighbor. I rode with him every day when we attended the Chicago Police Academy. We both lived in the 127 and Halsted area. His nickname was Chico. Out of the academy we were asighned to Grand Crossing Station at 75 and Drexel. We were partners off and on till 1965 when I was transferred to Lake Shore Dr accident car. We stayed In touch until he lost his life doing what he loved. At the time he died I was in Radar and had the honor of leading his funeral procession. R.I.P. My friend. Gene Casey 11583
Patrolman Eugene F. Casey
Chicago Police Department - Retired
May 22, 2018
The need to solve this crime is a must.
No matter how long it takes.
Rest in peace Officer James Alfano.
Lt. Gene T. Spanos Ret. ( Grew up in Grand Crossing Dist. # 3 )
RPS 72/95
Illinois Disabled Police Officers & Fire Fighters Assoc.
Gene T. Spanos
Rosemont Dept. of Public Safety
February 8, 2018 seems like each year this day comes quicker and is yet another sad day for our family, the anniversary of your death. When August comes around I start thinking about this day, but then again there isn't a day that I don't think about you. 47 years have passed since that tragic day and with it all the things we have missed out by not having you in our lives. I often wonder if the person responsible ever thought to himself what shooting you would do to all the people who loved you and depended on you. Your son John, who was not quite 3 years old, your 6 month old baby girl, your loving wife and countless extended family left behind who still grieve your death. All of us left with a hole in our hearts that can never be filled. You are never forgotten Dad....never. I love you and I desperately miss you.....always.
Jacqueline Alfano Stone
August 16, 2017
Happy 77th Birthday in heaven Dad! I am thinking of you today and wishing more than anything the same wish I always have and that is that you are here with all of us and I could say those words to you in person and all that I have kept in my heart all these years. Tomorrow is mom's 77th birthday and we will have a party and celebrate. How wonderful would it have been if you were here too Dad! You were her love and she still cries as we all do! I know that one day I WILL see you and maybe this all will make some kind of sense. I pass by the picture I have of you in uniform and say "hi Dad" every single were so handsome and strong. I stare at your face and try to find myself. I believe that you hear me and you know how much I love you and I feel you with me. I miss you so very much and all that could have and should have been. God Bless you Dad, I love you always
Jacqueline Alfano Stone
June 29, 2017
Well, today is my 20th Birthday Papa. I just want to say with everything going on in my life, thank you for watching me every bit of the way. Thank you for not only helping me grow into more of a young woman, but more importantly a Marine. Reading these reflections about you, inspire me to strive to be half the person and Marine you were. Your legacy is still being carried, people have not forgot about you. The people in your community, your students, your friends, and your family keep it alive. Thank you for being the type of person who people admire and want to emulate. Lastly Papa, thank you for blessing me with my God Mother, Father, and HUGE shoes to fill. I love you.
Semper Fidelis
Cpl Alfano, Alyssa, C.
May 6, 2017
I was stationed at Fort Sheridan and answered the call for blood donations since we were both AB+. Very sad.
Staff Sergeant Rose Runge (retired)
Stationed at Fort Sheridan, IL
February 13, 2017
I was remembering when I was nine and we heard on the car radio that officer James Alfano had been shot. He was my aunt Grace's brother. We were all in shock. I remember uncle Chico was a strong and loving kind of person who was caring and happy, especially around the holidays. I never knew the circumstances of his death until I read these websites. I am sad that he was never able to see his kids grow up, but I am proud of my family who have kept the memory of this warm and wonderful person alive.
Dale Markus
January 9, 2017
46 years ago today Dad you were taken from us and none of us were ever to be the same. I do believe God has a plan for each and every one of us, but this would never have been my could it be??? I was only 6 months old and barely had any time with the man they say loved me so heart today is sad, just as it is every day because I want so desperately to know my father!!!! Such a senseless act took you from mom, me and John. 46 years is a long time whole life, but you are NOT forgotten and you live on in me and John and your grandchildren Brittany, John, Alyssa, Courtney, Brianna, Jake, Zack and now your beautiful great grandchildren Brody and Kennedy!!! My wish is always the same, that somehow you know how much I love you, miss you and long for your arms to be around me telling me you love me too! You were a brave man and you gave your life dad and our family will never forget you and we will be missing you until the day we will all be together again. God Bless You! I love you!
Jacqueline Alfano Stone
August 16, 2016
I don't know why Jimmy Alfano(as I knew him) popped into my head today. I know that it lead me to google his name, find this sight and fill my heart with joy as I read about Johnny and Jackie Alfano. I was 10 years old and lived on 55th street in Chicago and we were neighbors (friends) with the Alfano family. I have such fond memories of this family. I remember your Dad as being so very friendly to all of us kids. I remember him leaving for work and always taking time to stop and talk with us. I also recall him always making the adults around him laugh. He was my favorite neighbor. Your Mom, Judy, was so sweet as well. I remember her and my Mom laughing and spending alot of time together. Johnny, you were around 2, i think, and we played with you and loved when your Mom would come over. I recall in the summer we would spend a lot of time outside and loved taking you for walks. I remember when Jackie was born, so beautiful and your Dad was all smiles. Only being 10, I still recall the night that this happened. Your Mom called my parents, and my parents ran next door. Those next several days were awful for all of us. Jackie, just a baby, stayed with us, my sisters and i would fight over who got to hold her. I can't recall who Johnny stayed with. I rember my parents being so upset. I remember sitting at my living room window watching the funeral procession go down 55th street and sobbing. I remember your Mom taking such good care of both of you after that but also seeing her cry alot. Shortly after your family moved. I think my mom kept in touch for awhile, then my family moved out of Chicago. I have thought about you family alot over the years and wondered how you were. It makes my heart so happy to read that you both have families and still remember your Dad. I am so glad that i found this page and got to see how well Johnny and Jackie are, im sure your Dad would be so proud. Much love to all of you!
Laura Petry Collins
Old neighbor
May 1, 2016
After visiting my brother's grave, I stop by yours.
Bob Kelly
Brother of officer Thomas J. Kelly
July 6, 2015
Childhood friend, fellow Marine, tough, fair. His fellow officers told my Dad that he was "Too tough."
"Chico" thought his job was to protect innocent Chicagoans from criminals. His fellow officers ignored the "fair."
Fellow Marine and childhood friend
March 31, 2015
To Jackie Alfano and the entire Alfano Family my thoughts and prayers go out to you. I have read about your dad and I can tell he was a true hero. He was the perfect combination of a family man...A marine...and a member of Chicago's Finest. Chicago was privileged to have him as an officer. God bless you and your family.
Cmdr. James A. Pickett
Evanston Police Department
October 20, 2014
Happy 74th Birthday to the man I was never able to know, but that I love so much it hurts my heart! Again as I sit here and type this my eyes are filled with tears. I wish I could have you here with me Dad more than anything in the world!!!!! Today the Police Chaplains Ministry held their annual Luncheon Cruise honoring Gold Star families and it was a truly beautiful day! Your family was there to honor you and to never forget the ultimate sacrifice that you made!!! I looked up at the gorgeous blue sky and thought of you Dad and hoped that you knew somehow at that moment that I was thinking of you and remembering you on your birthday and forever loving you and missing you! So Happy Birthday my beautiful father…I love you!
Jacqueline Alfano Stone
June 29, 2014
From Adam-12: From now on, she'll have to open her own doors. Carry her own troubles. And her childrens'. Alone. From now on, it's just the three of them, instead of just the four. And if there must be a final postscript to all of this, then let it here be noted: the coffin will soon be buried. He will be forgotten except by a very few. Out of sight, out of mind. And strangely enough, in view of current custom, no one will raise a placard to denounce his senseless murder. No one will raise indignant cries of protest at the shedding of his blood. No one will march in anger because of his death
February 9, 2014
Nostalgia takes over this time of year for a lot of us. I’m no different. Jim and I met when we were both being considered for assignment to the Gang Intelligence Unit Back in 1970. I was a pimple faced three year “no nothing” and Jim was as accomplished a “warrior” as they come. He earned the consideration whereas my uncle made the proverbial phone call. It was pretty obvious why he was chosen. In the 40 years since his death I’ve had many “there for grace of God” moments wondering why him and not me. We ran into each other a few times after our interviews and shared a couple of beers. He was a great man and a credit to the Marine Corps and the Chicago Police Department. I had the opportunity a couple of years back to meet his wife and children. Their loss is as great today as it was then. God Bless all of you who serve in law enforcement because you truly are our greatest heroes . Merry Christmas Jim and to all of you who have our backs.
Retired PO Tony Caruso
Chicago Police
December 21, 2013
He is still remembered. My friends from the NYS Troopers Marine Corps Association are doing a Special Remembrance. It reads for:
PO Jim Alfano Chicago PD
Former Recon - USMC VIetnam
Line of Duty 1970
I tried to paste the poster here but would not take. I would love to get it to the family if anyone can help. I can be reached on a sterile email:
Ric Prado (SIS-2)
October 16, 2013
This is my third visit to this site. I've left two reflections before but felt this one needed to be added,since Jim was such a great friend of mine,a relationship that began when we were 6th graders at Gompers Elementary School and continued until the day he died. There are so many stories to tell but I'll just leave it at this one - Jim's nickname - "Chico." Not sure how many knew how that nickname came about.
Jim,including myself,played a lot of baseball together and were avid White Sox fans during the 50's. It was then that Jim became "Chico,"a name bestowed upon him because of his idol worship of : Chico Carrasquel - one of the Greatest shortstops for the Chicago White Sox.
Gene Derow (Scottsdale,AZ)
Gene Derow
Lifelong friend
October 1, 2013
On the 43rd anniversary of Sensei Jim Alfano's passing I get to read his granddaughter's reflection that proves he is still influencing those he loved.
A friend who is a former Marine Corps and NY State Trooper will be recognizing Sensei Alfano's name at their Marine Ball this year.
Yes, he lives in the heart of many.
With respect, Ric
Ric Prado
Retired Federal Officer
August 16, 2013
Thinking about you today dad (although I do every day) on the 43rd anniversary of your heart aches! I love you Dad and we will be reunited again and I will finally be able to look into the eyes of a man I have never known but have loved and missed so greatly my entire life!!! You are my hero Dad as are all the men and women who risk their lives doing their job. I know you are up in heaven looking down on us all....I hope we have made you proud. I love you Dad! God Bless!!
Jacqueline Alfano Stone
August 16, 2013
Hi. I'm Alyssa Alfano. Jim's granddaughter. Though I never had the chance to meet my grandfather, I pray to him every single night and I know he hears me. I love a man I've never even met. I've read stories, watched shows, and even saw pictures of my grandfather but none of those things will make up for the loss. I know that because my father who was only 2 when my grandpa passed and my aunt who was a mere infant still get teary-eyed and emotional hearing about their father. They say only the good die young,and it's true. I would like to say thank you to him and to all other Chicago police officers for risking your life to save others. My grandpas death has inspired me to want to become a Chicago police officer and follow in my grandfathers steps. Next year I graduate high school and I will go to school for criminology and eventually apply for the Chicago police force and I know my grandpa will be with me and help guide me. Our family loves and misses him very much,and thank you to all of you who left messages about my grandfather, they have given me a better outlook on what a great man James Alfano was. Rest in peace papa, and we'll see each other someday. You're never forgotten and thank you for making a beautiful, caring special daughter(my aunt) and a patient,loving,special man who I'm lucky to call my best friend and father.
Alyssa Alfano
July 8, 2013
To fully appreciate the heroes of the present, we must recognize our heroes of the past. Your heroism and service is honored today, the 43rd anniversary year of your death. I am priviliged to be among the first to leave a tribute to you. Your memory lives and you continue to inspire. Thank you for your service. My cherished son Larry Lasater was a fellow police officer who was murdered in the line of duty on April 24, 2005 while serving as a Pittsburg, CA police officer.
Time never diminishes respect. Your memory will always be honored and revered. Rest In Peace.
I pray for solace for all those that love and remember you for I know both the pain and pride are forever. Thanks to your family for sharing their devotion to you through their reflections. As a frequent poster on this site, I have read many beautiful tributes to loved ones but none have surpassed the eloquence of that dictated by your wife.
Phyllis Lasater Loya
mom of fallen Pittsburg (CA) officer Larry Lasater
February 23, 2013