Delmar Police Department, Delaware
End of Watch Wednesday, April 28, 2021
Add to My HeroesKeith Andrew Heacook
Corporal Keith Heacook succumbed to injuries sustained on April 25th, 2021, when he was assaulted after responding to a fight call in the 11000 block of Buckingham Drive in Delmar, Delaware.
He was the only officer on duty when he responded to the call at approximately 5:00 a.m. Corporal Heacook was assaulted by a male subject who then repeatedly stomped on his head after he had become unconscious. The man then assaulted an elderly couple who lived across the street.
Officers from the Delaware State Police and Wicomico County Sheriff's Office, Maryland, were dispatched to check on Corporal Heacook when he failed to respond to dispatchers. He was transported to a hospital in Baltimore, Maryland, where he succumbed to his injuries on April 28, 2021.
The man who assaulted him was convicted of 16 counts, including two counts of first-degree murder, two counts of first-degree assault, and terroristic threatening. He was sentenced to two life terms in prison plus 212 years.
Corporal Heacook remained on life support so his organs could be donated.
Corporal Heacook had served with the Delmar Police Department for 22 years. He is survived by his son and wife.
- Age 54
- Tour 22 years
- Badge 913-10
Incident Details
- Cause Assault
- Incident Date Sunday, April 25, 2021
- Weapon Person
- Offender Sentenced to life
Most Recent Reflection
View all 127 ReflectionsI was personally touched by Corporal Keith Heacook’s death.
Within the week of Corporal Keith Heacook tragic murder; 5-days prior, I was driving on Rt 54 in Delmar. Just passed Rt 13 towards Bi State Blvd, doing 36 mph in a 25, a residential area. Corporal Heacook stepped out in front of my car on foot, pulled me over and issued me this citation below. While he was writing my ticket, I told my daughter, “ Take my picture of me getting a ticket.” That photo maybe the last of ever taken of Corp Heacook. After he gave me my ticket; I started messing with him and nervously chuckling as I told him, I’ve been having a bit of bad- luck-lately, my dog died last month, I started a new job last week, on my second morning driving into work; I hit a huge ground hog, it wiped out my fog light and recked my car’s front bumper. The back of my car was recked last August when I backed into a huge utility trailer’s hitch and that’s with a back up camera, in my car; now this ticket. Officer Heacook said he was sorry about my list of bad luck or my dog; not sure which. I smiled and asked him if he was with the Delaware or Maryland Police? He said, ”Both,” then turned his shoulder to proudly show me both state patches sewed to the sleeve of his shirt.
Linda Smith
1970-‘82 Married a Baltimore City K9 Police Officer
March 9, 2024