Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida

End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979

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Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook

If police are like deer in highlights, heaven help our land. They hustle and scramble around enough to protect and provide a realistic sense of stability and serenity which is what you did, Officer Cook, on behalf of Dade County's residents. You esteem and cooperative honesty,dignity and the character of integrity helped to holdback callousness.You can be certain your family holds your spirit right close to their own hearts as they support and carry on your heroic legacy. So true and so very clear. Wisdom and vision are every man and woman's focal points during their lives and careers of service and sacred purposes. Missions all of goodwill and a steady stream of hope. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 15, 2020

Ignorance can be mighty infuriating at times. At least integrity and ingenuity can engage one another quite well. Your honest dignity, respectful conduct and professional attitude made that distinct difference for all Dade County and mankind to survive the perils of life much better, Officer Cook. You were able to take instruction and direction and channel its determination, dedication and precise motivation to all your colleagues of courage. With energy and heart did you fight and defend our rights until the end never giving evil the opportunity to louse up your unwavering and unselfish resolve. Our Creator has your angelic character and truth safely sheltered in His quarters of tenacity and sanctity above. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 15, 2020

You were a heroic son, brother, uncle, great-uncle, public servant and friend until your last ounce of energy. So much honor,dignity and integrity poured into the mixes of ferocity and humble tenacity. Nothing tepid about your pride and excellence, Officer Cook, that far exceeded your onuses. You came to a scene you went to many other times and were fair, firm and truthfully trusted among your peers of unselfish commitment. Dade County has marked many different happenings since you gave your life my neighbor, friend and hero. It was a crying shame and terrible tragedy you could not live to see the fruits of your humane journeys. Rest in peace. You sacrificed so others could continue your legacy going forward.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 14, 2020

All the balloons released are flying high just as your mortal soul, Officer Cook,all heroic and all humble honesty. With a smile on your face and a sense of accomplishment did you out maneuver the menaces of humanity. Evil and wickedness need no embellishment. Dade County relied upon character and intelligence to pull us out of those holes of heinousness. The doors are open, you made your career and our lives matter and you cannot be overlooked for resolving and inspiring. Rest in peace my neighbor,friend and hero. Respectful character is the consideration and caring you gave back to us, Officer Cook.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 14, 2020

You were, Officer Cook, a positive man and your boldness coupled with your honor and reverence paid dividends to the citizens of Dade County. Its assurances and acumen were the health and sanity of all whoever lived. You lived with scruples, you were raised with humbleness and decency. No matter what was needed you helped pull us through the times of chaos and mayhem. A public servant that God has blessed and rewarded for having a soul of tenacity and a heart of heroism both seen providing effective effort and efficiency. Rest in peace my neighbor,friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 14, 2020

One who is negligent and deserts their posts of perseverance and honor does not deserve any humility. Because their lack of dignity and respect can cause a trickled down domino affect. Never happened when you patrolled and served Dade County, Officer Cook. Always a gentleman. Always so deliberate, fair and truthfully faithful to laying down harmony and whatever unity can be a forever staple to mankind. With your sterling and stellar character and trusted convictions all your responsibilities were fairly carried out. Now your family, Officer Cook, executes your shining legacy of respect and admiration. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. The survival of the citizens and police depends on everyone pitching in during terse moments.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 14, 2020

The people of Dade County were served and protected in a loyal and most humbly resourceful manner by you, Officer Cook. You endeared yourself to society in a way so honest and heroic that your undying and unselfish dignity and integrity won't be forgotten. The best of character brought about the wisest and most visionary of vigilance and resolve. All goodwill, sacred and genuine. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Badge#1664, all heart, courage and respect!

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 14, 2020

Your affirmation was your proclamation, Officer Cook, that peace and effort would be placed forth with honor, respect and total sincere ingenuity. Never anything less. For having integrity, character and a humble smile yet serious demeanor that gave Dade County is rights to be protected may Our King bless your esteemed soul of kindness, conviction and the rational of real unwavering dignity. Violence, evil and wickedness must be met be a power source to crush its unyielding advances within the instruments of humanity which sincerely misses you and offers homage to your life of courage. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 13, 2020

Every breath you took, Officer Cook, honor, heroism and boldness came forth. Your talents, skills and assortment of acumen and dignity all reenergized Dade County, it reorganized resolution, it established goodwill and hope, trust in all human beings. That day that brought you and Reserve Officer Scott Lincoln, your final partner to Liberty City where more than a domestic squabble took your life and nearly ended the citizens and your colleagues wounded in Mr.Pearsall's gunfire cannot ever be forgotten. When bravery, humility and heart are taken suddenly what can we think? God has plans for His world and your passionate soul belonged back home in His castle nestled with other humble angels. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Character is the necessary virtue of peace and prosperity.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 13, 2020

Whenever I see your beautiful mother's picture, I just want to cry. Mrs. Cook, you and your beloved husband,Charles may you all rest in peace my neighbors, friends and your darling heroically endearing son, "Bill."Officer Cook, you were that life jacket of justice and truth to Dade County's folks. You were the consummate servant so gracious and cherished that God needed your fortitude and acumen along with your duly pious honor and reverence in heaven with tireless dignity and full steam integrity all saluted and never lost from our hearts.Once again rest in peace Officer Cook, Badge#1664 a hero's respected candor, charm and charisma.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 13, 2020

The idea of good policing is to make stability where the citizens survive and the officer can safely end their shift and go home to rest with family. No one knows when that eternal summons will be issued and all who ever serve and duly protect life realize the dangers that await honor and respect. You had all the humility and integrity, Officer Cook, that afforded Dade County the opportunity at a new chapter being authored each day. A new beginning shall we speak. Evil that sad day took character,heart and your very special soul of virtue back home to keep your dad, Charles, may he too rest in peace heavenly company. But, yet make no mistake you were a warrior, heroic and dignified with passion. You saved your comrades from death as well as the citizens that day displaying sure humbleness and loyal sacrifice, never a token. All tenacity living within your beloved family members who carry the hope forward with your legacy of tranquility,peace and faith. Always dependable and very capable. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 13, 2020

Unbiased and seeing the entire picture, your resourcefulness and friendly manner, Officer Cook, was what Dade County and its residents were seeking, An innovative and intuitous man of hope and convictions, your wisdom and belief in the system surely allowed honesty, integrity and dignity to battle terror like heck. Now as a heroic angel you can walk those sacred and serene pathways in heaven where never anymore harm will affect your heart and soul. Always so efficient and able. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 13, 2020

One fire after another fire. From one circumstance to another situation of dire consequences. All problems, issues and dilemmas that public servants need to resolve. To be firm , yet fair,trusted and truthful in heat and mind. You captured humanity,Officer Cook, with your pleasant, honorable and heroically calm demeanor. Not ice water flowing inside of you. Just the perception of perseverance, prudent actions and vigilant character conveying an important message to those you served. Serenity, peace and safety take time. It's not always our best ally when times are dangerous. Unselfish commitment to pride and mettle, convictions of sanctity and being civil while nobly performing an essential profession of responsibility. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 13, 2020

The causes are for peacefully demonstrating your purposes. Life can only matter and be relevant when honor and respect, decency and dignity march in unison with integrity. For possessing humble and most humanely heroic character, Officer Cook, may God forever bless, reward and cherish an angel's soul of vision and wisdom in those blue skies above. Dade County was solemnly served by a most deserving man of many resources. All the esteem, kindness,truth and trustworthiness working to bring back a faction of goodwill and promise. Never forgotten. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 13, 2020

The other day when I visited your grave, Officer Cook,I noticed a big tree toppled over in your section though not on your grave. Hopefully, the workers will remove the tree as I see the sections need some repairs. The grass and some plaques too need replacing. You replenished energy, effort and the identity of integrity, heart and soulful character into your work protecting Dade County and its people. Forever a heroic angel filled with an aura of esteem, respect and acumen which accentuated your honesty and dignity. They are built those bonds and bridges of goodwill,devotion and sanctity. The purposes of a life and career cut way too short because of the very violence you were so diligent in service and dedication. Rest in peace my neighbor,friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 13, 2020

Gentle, yet devout and faithful, full of humble compassion and heroic honesty to be preserved forever. Officer Cook, your life, career and bravery all took their best shots no pun intended to shield Dade County and its people. The toll of toil can be a sacrifice, yours never to be overlooked nor locked away and just forgotten. Heroes and heroines shall never be disrespected, dishonored and disgraced as your character and outstanding commitments to pride and excellence were a vivid part of your tireless earthly journeys to excelerate peace, serenity and the goodwill of mankind. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 12, 2020

Always exploring but yet imploring for stability and peace and quiet. You appealed to society, Officer Cook and the question will seem to always come back Why? Why with so much left to accomplish was your life and career of honesty,integrity and dignity robbed at twenty-five? Respect, resolve and heroism all cut from the same fabrics as was your unwavering and unselfish ferocity. It was sacred and priceless in that they all paid the ultimate price to keep Dade County moving forward. Your nobility, humility and civility all were robbed stolen right out of your treasured heart and soul not to be forgotten. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Your colleagues and civilians can be humbly proud of your resolute actions that awful day and everyday before that. Heaven has the gifts of gallantry all earmarked for more challenging eternal missions of compassion.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 12, 2020

Solidarity must be profound and honorable. Your thoughtfulness, faithfulness and trustworthiness, Officer Cook, was the heroic staple that glued peace and hope back within the sidewalks of Dade County. Your character, integrity and dignity shine brightly as you rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Dearly beloved, treasured and admirable by your family and comrades for handling chaos the righteous way.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 12, 2020

Sadness and grief will always be there even though the healing process may take longer. With so much goodwill, grace and gallantry, Officer Cook, did your solemnly begin your patrols of Dade County looking to avoid issues while tackling whatever was placed before you. Everything handled proficiently and proudly because of your heroic dignity and integrity. No one forgets a hero's leadership, dedication and motivation. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 12, 2020

Instigation only incites more violence, something mankind resists. You kept the pressure on the bad guys, Officer Cook, a Dade County hero of honor and savvy. Always beloved and cherished, esteemed and loyal to colleagues. A gentleman of authentic respect,integrity and dignity fighting for some balance of harmony and unity. Rest in peace my neighbor,friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 12, 2020

The nuts and bolts of honesty and dignity is integrity and character respected for its service to a community. Your beloved status here in Dade County, Officer Cook, shall be heroically remembered and saluted for everything noble inthe words of sanctity and civility. The peace and joy, the smile and convictions truthful,faithful and most trustworthy. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 12, 2020

The least amount of resistance is certainly preferred during those acidic wars over violence. Such evil and its terror just unlocks those hinges of heinousness and threatens to unravel the goodwill, hope and serenity Dade County was cherishing. You were a respected and an honest man, Officer Cook, heroism was your virtue and you'll skills were so dignified and versatile. Humanity never forgets a servant's integrity,character and attitude. Yours were ahead of the crowd. Our Lord has many diligent individuals as part of His eternal flock. Ferocity and tireless efforts nestled as one. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 11, 2020

The honest, humble and beautiful souls of the world some have their destinies concluded by Our Lord who needs them back in heaven to serve a very distinctly humane purpose. You were a public servant, Officer Cook, who was taylormade for your exact role providing excellence to Dade County's folks. By your tireless labors of love and esteem did you venture out to bring a renewed sense of tranquility and order to a community where your sacred journeys and deep seeded affections for others remains fondly and solemnly respected,revered and stoically admired. A man with character, a gentleman of class, decency and the desires to uplift our hearts and souls with your truthful and most trusted accomplishments. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Resolve and unselfish pride were spelled precisely on your badge and uniform of reverence and values.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 11, 2020

The saddest of chapters does not need to be written nor embellished. History cannot keep repeating itself anymore. The wars on violence need fighting until those flames have been permanently extinguished. You put out fires in Dade County, Officer Cook. Evil that was looking to bait and bewilder society and your sincere st of heroic actions saved your colleagues and civilians that awful day and everyday during your six excellent years of preservation. Never forgotten for integrity, dignity and character that reinforced your resolve and resolute mannerisms. Your soul is safer in heaven as you watch over us and your family. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Destiny and fate should not have robbed you of life and caused your family to grieve and to suffer greatly. One man was responsible for all this mayhem and calamity! A loss to your department and mankind. Humility and serenity will forever fly higher every moment.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 11, 2020

Now is not the time for cat and mouse games with honor and lives at stake. The peril runs high and so must a hero's skin be thick and dignified with humility and the respectful characters of integrity. You sure were a Godsend, Officer Cook, blessed with skills and certain talents to be properly and justly. For having compassion and fortitude may Our Creator reward your sweet soul of virtue and versatility, civility and sacred purposes well located. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 11, 2020

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