Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida

End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979

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Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook

The nuts and bolts of a sound mind and a mighty heart are the honesty, dignity and integrity that intensify the yearnings of mankind. Your intellect, insight and informative nature, Officer Cook, supported all your loyal and earthly pursuits of peace on behalf of the citizens of Dade County. A hero who restored the vitality of his home community and who shall never be forgotten for excellent character, outstanding achievement and all your humbly trusted and truthfully resourceful convictions which endorsed effort, efficiency and unselfishly tireless energy. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 5, 2021

The juggernauts of justice are always truth and trust with outstanding character. You performed your roles and responsibilities on behalf of Dade County, Officer Cook, with the exquisite reverence, the essential heart and soul of humility, heroism and honesty. Such a dependable, loyal and faithful young man defending our civility and sanctity never to be forgotten as will your unselfish dignity and integrity. History will certainly note your adherence to principles, scruples and morals above and beyondyour community patrols where you are forever esteemed and highly regarded now blessed and rewarded as an angel in heaven. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 5, 2021

Neat and well groomed, such a lovely human being who acted upon the community's security and serenity. Dade County won't forget your able bodied heart and duly diligent paths throughout your life and career of excellence and toil with humility walking side by side your tireless virtues. No matter the circumstance, Officer Cook, your heroism will blessed, rewarded and cherished by Our Creator for eternity. Foundations and cornerstones all constructed with a purpose and a passion like no other. Goodwill and hope remain. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 5, 2021

Good manners, courtesies and politeness all must be displayed on the badges of valor and a uniform donned with devotion, dignity and determination. You were a man who not only smiled, you took responsibility seriously, Officer Cook and your heroic feats of faith, endurance and everlasting humble enrichment allowed Dade County to prosper more freely and more urgently. Security and safety are many issues that fall upon the loyal shoulders of all who ever serve and protect. Your memory will remain the treasures of which your family moves forward with their faithful journeys. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 5, 2021

Heaven is not a bonnet worn. It's a location where all heroes and heroines go after their humble and honored presence here on Earth is concluded. Your missions, journeys and voyages, Officer Cook, offered a glimpse of who you were. To be identified as a man of substance, relevance and reliability you had to possess more than a peak of dignity and integrity. But then again honesty and bravery were you look out points of proficiency and service to the Dade County area at large. A noble warrior whose ideals, virtues and scruples matched wits with the wickedness that looked to erode tranquility and whatever freedoms we can live by. Your badge and uniform provided the hints of your heroism and clues of your concern and consideration. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 5, 2021

Math and history are the sciences of the mind. They challenge us to become more faceted and a more rounded world though some occupations don't require math to become humbly respected. Fighting off adversaries you needed every tool at your disposal, Officer Cook, to position the folks of Dade County in a better sphere of good cheer, peace and happiness. You were always there, consummate,concerned and genuinely a caring man whose soul, spirit and heart sought out shelter for us all. Mankind surely is missing your unselfish and unwavering dignity, reverence and compassion as that now is totally serving above as an angel. Keep looking down as you rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 5, 2021

To become frustrated and agitated on strengthens evil locks upon our world. Your sure confidence, courage and caliber of appearance, Officer Cook, gave the citizens of Dade County hope, resolve and the goodwill to continue your battles, wars and whatever was necessary to defeat such a large foe. Staring violence head to head you needed a strong and vibrant heart and everlasting soul of creativity. A sense of awareness and honesty would certainly support the pillars of integrity, character and dignity's convictions all loyal and legitimate. We and your family will not forget a hero whose pride with ingenuity was spread out to touch the hearts of humanity. Humility and sacred callings now unfortunately heaven bound because one sinister man took you from among your peers and beloved family. They carry your legacy and torch of vigilance and versatility through their passions and aspirations. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 5, 2021

Everything persevering regarding your uplifting, enriching and enhancing nature, Officer Cook, was honorably, heroically and especially humble was piped into the Dade County community for its people to live and to thrive. To function and to walk about in peace and a feeling of security sure says very much. Such a gifted young man strong at heart with an amazing soul of deliberation, dedication and infinite wisdom, vision and maturity. You are forever going to be solemnly honored, remembered and duly saluted for virtue, vigor and versatility of a gentleman with reverent character, composed commitment and convictions loyal, trusted and truthful beyond anything. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 5, 2021

America can't be invalids when our interiors are attacked and ambushed by those lacking any morals, mettle or discipline. Those folks without a clue of honesty, character and humility need to be taken out of circulation as their very evil and callousness threatens to wreak havoc upon the eyes and ears of humanity. The smile, your heart, soul and valor, Officer Cook, made that impression permanently sealed with the dignity, integrity and virtue of your comrades. Yesterday, today and tomorrow does Dade County fortify your honored and humane name in the directions of heaven where angels roam. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. The strings of common sense, trust and truth are forever connected and bonded to your esteem and are to be treasured daily. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 4, 2021

One embraces change. One remembers enhancement. One looks forward to enrichment which stabilizes the progression of humanity. One dignifies a man of God, a gentleman of tranquility and an angel of peace, heart and soul whose character was the perfect remedy for a community seeking justice and truth for its residents. Dade County, your family, Officer Cook and your department had such an oustanding and unselfish individual, a gentleman and a human being dedicated to morals, scruples and the virtues of why character matters when life hangs in the balance, when the stakes are running high, your class, desire and hope accentuated a trust and truth so sincere, so genuinely humble, so adored and forevermore missed terribly. God took a good person home to His rooftops to watch over his loved ones, acquaintances and colleagues past and present who humbly carry your legacy and torch of ferocity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 4, 2021

In your lifetime a dedication to morals, discipline and core values that society appreciates, your goodwill and stamina, Officer Cook, began its quests for hope and safety here in Dade County. Always a smile and a kind word, never mean, arrogant nor lacking reverence, you were the quintessential public servant who performed rightfully and with a vigor not always viewed. Integrity, dignity and humility were your backbones of devotion and faith steering your every move throughout a life, too short of one that always had the right tools of tenacity to accomplish all your tasks and onuses of service that was deeply admired. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 4, 2021

The hopes, dreams and aspirations were not dampened nor tarnished. Though the man who took your young life, Officer Cook, was a coward, heinous, no class nor heart and tragically slipped through those cracks where help might have stopped him for unleashing vengeance upon you and your colleagues that fateful day when you were just trying to have him surrender. For the goodness of Dade County your class and honor were always on duty, dignity and integrity never stopped being a character of courage and humbleness. Mankind cherishes you and your mortal soul and heart never interrupting their salutes of a man of gallantry and boldness. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. You extinguished many fires here in your community where unrest, tension and strife tried to decay the desires of all who lived, breathed and wanted to pursue whatever happiness, health and joy came their direction.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 4, 2021

God's perfect vision, wisdom and clarity are the guiding lights for those brave and honest. Having Our Lord shelter you now and forever, Officer Cook, is a clear symbol of how much you were deeply respected for your unselfish fortitude and fruition serving the citizens of Dade County. Six years of loyal and most reliable service and sincere dedication cannot ever be tarnished nor removed from your mantle of honor, heart and humility. Those who sacrifice their life with dignity and integrity, their character, commitments to excellence and pride truthful and trusted convictions all must be rewarded and blessed which in heaven's sacred name are exactly that as I reflect. Never a more outstanding man of unwavering and tireless diligence and focused vigilance over a community that cares and remembers its esteemed heroes and heroines. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 4, 2021

Accentuation must not be a one time event while one serves and protects the public image.Perpetuation must participate on a daily or nightly basis if society is to live and function peacefully and successfully. You made that happen every watch, Officer Cook. The people of Dade County trusted your instincts, your intelligence and intuitive integrity all focused on producing tranquility for all mankind. Such a hero is entitled to whatever salutes, honors and anything humble that a loving man of heart, soul and reverence deserves. Badge#1664 was worn succinctly, clearly and with a mind of wise intellect that always made correct decisions that affected us all. Your family's pride, joy and hero gone way too soon leaving behind a wonderful legacy that challenges them all to look up to you. "Uncle Bo" is in heaven as angel watching over you and the world that he served with efficiency, constant care and a truthfulness so divinely clear. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 4, 2021

You graced this world, Officer Cook, with your honorable and heroic feats of courage, class and excellent character always to be fondly, humanely and solemnly remembered. Dade County was embraced by a man whose esteem, dignity and integrity fortified your patrols for harmony and unity for humanity. You certainly have been missed all these decades by your wonderful family, friends and a host of past comrades who worked together with a terrific gentleman of outstanding heart, soul and a spirit of virtue and valor that has encased all your earthly endeavors to lead us into the future one that would have been better off if you were here today to see all the goodwill, hope and accountability since you were robbed of that opportunity sadly by one man's evil. Heaven is better served with an angel of wisdom, vision and the perfect humility you possessed. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 4, 2021

Wickedness does not just whistle in the wind for its breezes of torment and turmoil seem to forver confound,confuse,confront and perplex mankind. Never knowing its direction, you headed straight to a hornet's nest that awful day, Officer Cook, when your family, Dade County and your colleagues lost a warrior of true allegiance, trusted honesty, developed dignity and instrumental integrity placed gently down upon the soil where you patrolled the streets with maturity, wise instincts and worldly vision. Rest in peace my neighbor,friend and hero. Respect and sacred missions to be learned,shared and solemnly remembered.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 3, 2021

Chances and change are supposed to uplift and uphold the guises of our lives and functions. Essentially we live each day as it comes relying on goodwill,hope and trust to guide our rudders of reserve and resourcefulness. Yours, Officer Cook, were well kept, well maintained and quite distinct. Dade County saw Badge#1664 representing its values, ideals and standards better than anyone and Our Lord is surely blessing your most compassionate heart, spirit and soul as you rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Character serene. Conviction conclusive. Commitment clutch and charismatic.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 3, 2021

The hills and mountains are most dificult to climb, yet with a positive attitude its realities can become more accentuated and more humbly meaningful. You gave every ounce of fabric and fiber, Officer Cook, to witness Dade County steering its way out of trouble. Tension and unrest can level a relatively peaceful day where our honor, integrity and dignity shall not be usurped. You did all you could with your caring and golden heart of heroic righteousness. Evil is just always going to be a spoiler that looks to suck the life out of our utmost purposes. Heaven and angels are meant to inspire and motivate us to fulfill the rich legacies left unfinished. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 3, 2021

Your team of tenacity, honor and humility, Officer Cook, brought joy, pleasure and happiness not only to your family, it delivered a declaration of devotion, dignity and diligence to a flock of faithfully resolute folks here in Dade County. An inuguration of integrity, intuition and intellect so keen and crystal clear. Violence robbed your family of its most dearest, adored and beloved soul and heart of hope, enchantment and enrichment. Heaven is where your eternal missions now and forevermore contiune forth with the lights shining on. You constructed gateways to a safer and sounder future, one better served if you had been allowed to live on enjoying the fruits ofyour humane labors and proud retirement. Surely one with Karen supporting every essential element of your endeavors. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 3, 2021

You'll never fall out of grace and respect, Officer Cook, as you donned a perfect uniform and a badge of bravery and boldness to grasp and always take hold of. Dade County citizens were served and protected by a mountain of a gentleman, gallant and full of gumption and ferocity always shadowing your eatrhliest of pursuits. Our serenity, unity and whatever we live for their purposes are because of your uncanny ability to see the big picture with a warm and glowing heart and soul. Humbleness warms a broken soul and heart. Nobility never looks better and more wise. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 3, 2021

The juggernauts of justice are always truth and trust with outstanding character. You performed your roles and responsibilities on behalf of Dade County, Officer Cook, with the exquisite reverence, the essential heart and soul of humility, heroism and honesty. Such a dependable, loyal and faithful young man defending our civility and sanctity never to be forgotten as will your unselfish dignity and integrity. History will certainly note your adherence to principles, scruples and morals above and beyondyour community patrols where you are forever esteemed and highly regarded now blessed and rewarded as an angel in heaven. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 3, 2021

Every move means more than staying stationary. You must attempt and patrol as if every life matters. They all do and your smile and sincere approaches, Officer Cook, ushered a new day for Dade County residents. Integrity and proper conduct followed your paths of precision and expertise as our safety and liberty helped to propel our sacred journeys. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 2, 2021

The allies of acumen, awareness and astuteness stay wide open forevermore. You took to the roads as all heroes faithfully must, Officer Cook, with honesty, relevance and never reluctance and that's why Dade County citizens salute your posture and perseverance toward embracing society with unselfish dignity and valor. Conviction true and trusted. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 2, 2021

The building that collapsed last week in Surfside, Florida is a terrible tragedy and know telling how many lives were lost. Some survived unfortunately not many. You saved lives of Dade County not just on May 16, 1979, everyday with your fearless and tireless grit, gumption and a most gallant heart and soul. Integrity, reverence and dignity can strike fear into those out there lurking. You were the consummate professional and peacemaker, Officer Cook. Your legacy of heroism and humility is kept beaming down from heaven. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 2, 2021

The sky is the final place in eternity where brave, heroic and honest hearts and souls travel to. Dade County was your destination of dignity, devotion and pure desire, Officer Cook. Integrity, character and respect have all shed their lights of faith, hope and goodwill to be so saluted for knowing their wisdom, ingenuity and vision have spread their courage throughout our land. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 2, 2021

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