Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida

End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979

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Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Violence is not a one step act. It's no act and trying to halt its advances leaves people and their communities all perplexed and confused. It confronts even the most humane and humbly trained women and men who must summon the valor to begin to battle. Thankfully, Officer Cook, your heroism and decency was more than a speech, it was the creation of candor and honor working well with a heart and soul dug in with the meaning of morally dignified conduct with integrity going down the paths of effort and endurance, efficiency spread out gently to protect the folks of Dade County. Family,friends and your professional comrades have all remembered you for gallantry, boldness and the search for happiness. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 26, 2022

Fate and destiny are linked to your earthly journeys where honor, dignity and integrity, Officer Cook, were incorporated into your everyday patrols over the communities here in Dade County. Now and forevermore your good name blessed and rewarded is perpetuated by your family carrying the baton of your heroic legacy onward and upward. You would not want them to stop living because of what you represented and how you and your big sister, Nancy were raised. Two loving, devoted and doting parents may they rest in peace giving you both all the tools by which you succeeded. Accomplishment is not just trust, acumen and truth neither is it trial by error.You gained the respect from those who worked with you saw genuine humbleness and a desire to lead others through the tunnels of tenacity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 26, 2022

A life and career all lived well and very indicative of the ultimate sacrifice you paid, Officer Cook, for the residents of Dade County to remain prosperous and secure. A sure thing was your loyalty and smile yet all seriousness when peril came howling by. You kept your comportment and composure because of your honorable heart and soul of dignity, integrity and intelligence all facing the likes of adversarial chaos. Your light from your spirit does keep heaven aglow as Our Creator has you nestled in His palms for eternal safekeeping. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 26, 2022

This earth was so enriched by your amazing feats of humility, heart and a soul of devotion and honor. They tried to level the playing field of how Dade County could go forth with its esteemed missions of hope, faith and a renewed sense of goodwill. Integrity and intuition, dignity and dedication, character and charm only make up just a glimpse of your outstanding career taken so horribly with more left to fulfill. God's angels are heroes so solid they stand for the very purposes and causes of truth and trust. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 26, 2022

The stench of evil must be completely wiped off the streets and those you looked after many decades ago, Officer Cook, are quite different because of change. Your courage, heart and compassion allowed peace and stability to permeate throughout Dade County where its citizens are most grateful. After all dignity, integrity, honesty and genuine fortitude multiplied throughout the community. One who shares in your untimely loss, a sacrifice never forgotten and just so tragic. We salute your validation of vigilance, vision and virtue all versatile coming together when they did. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 26, 2022

Shameful, disrespectful and heinous to say the least, your heroic life and solemn career, Officer Cook, taken too soon that will never be forgotten for Dade County and its people have peace and stability all planted at their hands and feet thanks to you. Incredible passion, a heart of yearning, a soul of compassion that dignified all its trusted and truthful pursuits of perseverance and they'll certainly be forever saluted and embraced by all generations to come. Your loving family has missed you terribly and has carried forward your legacy, character, commitments to pride and excellence encircling your wisest convictions. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 26, 2022

One day we might figure out our Creator's plan though probably not. His scales are just and not only trust and truth, Officer Cook. Heroic, honored with a heart and soul built to last past the rigors that allowed you to watch over Dade County. A man filled with spring in his steps and bounce in his dignity and integrity always special and ideal for conquering crime and the like. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Heaven has the clever character always dialed up.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 25, 2022

Plug in proficiency, precision and perseverance and it sure looks like you are ready to begin. Dade County, Officer Cook, was heroically preserved by your undying mettle, unyielding principles of honesty, refined dignity and always present integrity all worn and displayed on your badge and uniform of versatility, vision and virtue. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 25, 2022

If you get stuck in a rut you had better have some fighting resolve and sincere resourcefulness do undo the problems that have caused society to go backwards. You went ahead, Officer Cook, as all heroes of honesty, integrity and dignity must do to succeed in their goals to stop adversity. Evil that hit at the heart and soul of Dade County that fateful day of May 16, 1979 and it won't be forgotten. The fogs were lifted by your enhancing mannerisms. Character, conviction and clutch commitment all brought back the tones of tranquility and peace. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 25, 2022

Public service regards mankind, society and humanity as equal partners in the peacekeeping process. You contributed your part exceedingly well, Officer Cook and in making Dade County securer may your honesty, dignity and integrity continue following your family's life passions and pursuits. Calamity means doing above the realm of what you normally do. Missions and journeys accomplished and never overlooked nor forgotten. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 25, 2022

A gentleman and a scholar, a man so revered, respected and resourceful in all your endeavors to make Dade County safer forevermore. A hero whose legacy of honesty, dignity and integrity followed you throughout your trails of trust and truth. The admissions of acumen, wisdom and virtue, Officer Cook, you carried very well on your shoulders, in your unassuming heart and unwavering soul may your spirit of heroism and humility be saluted. Eternity and heaven are where your angelic steps humanely patrol their solemn beat. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 25, 2022

Police can't ignore as they must always strive to do more to protect the public. Your thirst for wisdom, Officer Cook, was founded upon the laurels of loving your profession, learning more and just by being humbly honest, succinctly dignified and nobly blessed by the virtue which provided you the humane powers to keep Dade County, your home and community safe from evil. A man so cherished and full of wholesome character, commitments to excellence and pride spreading goodwill, hope and devotion throughout your lifetime though viciously cut short by violence, your name will continue opening new doors of fruition and vision. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 25, 2022

Heaven is where your heart, soul and courageous spirit are tucked away for eternal safekeeping, Officer Cook and it is the residents and your family that have missed you very much. Dade County is much different and a little less safer because of your absence, yet you'll always be revered, remembered and saluted for top notch service and for having both unselfish and unwavering enthusiasm for doing a job that places you at risk. You were a brave young man never one to capitulate to the cowards who commit ghastly acts of wickedness. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 24, 2022

The water maybe shallow, it's the terror that's deep and over our heads at times. When seconds count you were present in Dade County, Officer Cook, to lend your honorable and heroic expertise. The essentials of effort and precision all resting upon your humane shoulders of both integrity and dignity well loved and well respected. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 24, 2022

Place your oath where it bests serves the public because its humble honesty, dignity and integrity will someday be very treasured. You surely are that, Officer Cook, to your beloved family members and professional colleagues who worked with such a loyal and articulate individual. Hope must certainly spring forth as your name and legacy remain rewarded and blessed for their heart and sincerity. A yearning for more knowledge and a quest to quiet unrest and deliver that measure of peace by your unassuming nature. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 24, 2022

The paths have been paved and kept warm by those men and women who succeeded you, Officer Cook, in protecting Dade County from adversity and strife. Evil and violence are hurricanes that look to wreak havoc and if not for your fortitude, wisdom and vision, well we don't know what the outcome might have been. Certainly honor, integrity and the loyalty were a most blessed element of your badge and uniform. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 24, 2022

A welcome relief to the citizens of Dade County wanting to live in peace and in stability surrounding their humble journeys. Your missions of hope, truth and goodwill, Officer Cook, were marked by a spirit of virtue, vigilance and the diligence placed forth with heart, humility and heroism. One young man who understood his roles and relished his opportunity to create that impression of integrity, decency and dignity all building future foundations. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 24, 2022

Faithful, devoted and beloved, a real honest gentleman and a first class human being. You provided Dade County with humble, heroic and dignified years of dedication and virtue, Officer Cook. All heart, soul and reverent character and trusted commitments to pride and excellence being carried on your trails of truth and tenacity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 24, 2022

You were a marvelous individual, a human being humbly worthy of all honors, homage and genuine salutes of piety, Officer Cook, that forever come your way. Your directional signals and compass were always set on high intensity, high octane and a high plane of hope, goodwill, dignity and integrity that led to Dade County being served and protected by a man beloved by his family, colleagues and friends from all around this country. With desire came passion, with truth came trust and with reliability came onus, you never forsaked your journeys and missions of authority. You were thoughtful, resourceful and consummate in your handling of professional roles, tasks and anything placed on your docket of determination and devotion. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 23, 2022

You prune a tree so at some point it grows again. Confidence is not be be confused with bragging as confronting and confounding as violence can become at times. The precious moments, minutes and seconds are to valued to fritter away. Never a wasted action, Officer Cook, as you matured and grew up to become a dependable public servant so too did its citizens most of whom who decent and honest. Your ingenuity, intuition and intelligence were all based upon your moxie and savvy work habits all with integrity, dignity and due diligence following your life and career searching for stability and happiness for Dade County. As a heroic angel of valor may your wings carry your spirit from gate to gate as humbly and as gently as your soul and heart which breathed with wisdom and maturity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 23, 2022

Not everyone is adept at everything. Certain people pursue things as a passion, while others choose a profession where their God given skills, talents and humility are better suited for the rigors, demands and pressures of the position. You had better take advantage of the humble opportunities God has bestowed within your framework of heart, soul, honesty and character. You did everything the Lord asked of you, Officer Cook and for being a trustworthy, loyal and heroically truthful young man and a gallant gentleman, may your versatility, vigilance and virtue be humanely blessed for achievement and humbleness. Dade County was your home, your life and career and environment warm and embracing with your older sister, Nancy and your beloved parents devout and dignified may they and you my neighbors, friends and hero rest in peace.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 23, 2022

Being able and durable is a first step in solving hardships and conflicts. Tensions that boil over at times need simmering and one with class and a calming voice of reason, a sense of both direction and leadership. Taking command and giving sound, humble and sage advice means your honor and dedication are at the top of the ladder. Obviously, your soul, heart and spirit, Officer Cook, were all intertwined together forming a unit of fairness, trust and truth that made the residents of Dade County more aware and loyal to you. First you must follow and then when deemed sufficiently prepared may you humbly and heroically go out and teach, to lead by example, to possess the proper fibers and fabrics of reverent character, commitment to excellence and convictions that are never derailed nor sidetracked. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. A friend until the end and always so esteemed and consistent with your paths and trails of justice.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 23, 2022

Forty-three years of your family missing you, Officer Cook, a hearty laugh, a smile, a simple greeting, all of that snuffed out because of a man so criminally bent on violence. Terrible, sad and plain tragic for everyone who knew you personally or professionally. Dade County was under the watchful eyes and ears of a gentleman who carried perseverance as an equal to humility and heart. The desire to succeed and to accomplish something very special that not too many would pursue because honor, integrity and your dignity were virtuous and brave as well. The foundations and their cornerstones have been laid now it's up to mankind to perform its part. The essentiality of ethics and excellent conduct reflects upon every member of the team holding up their onuses and accountability. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. God has a plan of action to rectify the world's challenges and problems. We are not always so privy to those secrets. He is perfect, merciful and loves everything He has created. We take the blueprint from there and start the ball rolling. The wheels are set in motion.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 23, 2022

Terror only makes one more tenacious in their job to eradicate evil. You did an outstanding job, Officer Cook, heroically securing the streets and roads of Dade County for its folks to enjoy tranquility and freedom of movement. Integrity and dignity along with honesty did not just blow in the winds as the leaves of a tree. For generations to come your blessed and cherished good name of reverence and character shall be solemnly saluted for its genuine heart, soul and endeavors placed forth. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 23, 2022

Dade County had its fair share of tension and turmoil. It surely does not need anything else other than the pursuits of peace for us to have happiness, health and prosperity. You were entitled to those very same things, Officer Cook and because of an evil man you were robbed of everything civil, sacred and devoted to those elements of living. Twenty-five years of heroism, humility and a heart of respectful character all taken in a matter of a few seconds. Too precious to measure and for dignity, integrity to have definition determination and dedication must unify to deliver the truth and trust that motivates wisdom, versatility and vision. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 22, 2022

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