Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Chief of Police Michael Anthony Pimentel

Elmendorf Police Department, Texas

End of Watch Saturday, August 23, 2014

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Reflections for Chief of Police Michael Anthony Pimentel

Chief Pimental,
On today, the 10th anniversary of your death I would just like to say thank you for your service and sacrifice-not just for your Community but for our Country as well when you served with the U.S. Army during the Vietnam War. And to your Family and loved ones, I wish to extend my deepest sympathy.

BPA Mike Casey
United States Border Patrol(Retired)

August 23, 2024

Rest in peace always knowing that your service and sacrifice will never, ever be forgotten by your law enforcement brethren.

Detective Cpl/3 Steven Rizzo
Delaware State Police (Retired)

August 23, 2020

John 5:28, 29 - "Do not be amazed at this, for the hour is coming in which all those in the memorial tombs will hear his voice and come out". I pray that everyone can find peace in knowing that we will see this officer as well as many others again in Paradise soon. Until then, please accept my condolences.

A.W. Montgomery
Concerned Citizen

September 12, 2018

Rest In Peace Chief of Police Michael A. Pimentel Thank You for your Service and Sacrifice protecting the citizens of Elmendorf, Texas. I also want to Thank You for your military service.

I Pray for Peace for your Family, Friends and Co-Workers and those brave souls who choose to follow in your footsteps. I also Pray that the scum who murdered you shall burn forever in the lake of fire.


B. Sherwood Senior Special Agent retired
Port Terminal Railroad Police Houston, TX

August 20, 2016

It's been almost (2) years & not a day passes whereby I forget. I've slowly transitioned to Family life out of uniform. MANY things I miss; none more than my Friends. Questions arise whether I did right by leaving. The answer Always comes in the face of my beautiful children.
Times have been unfair to our LEO Brethren, Our God has not changed and He shall have the last word. The're times when all the public rhetoric makes me angry due to opinions made; I departed Honorably and your Sacrifice shall not be in vain.
I will care for my wife & children teaching them Proverbs Chapter 1. I will never Forget or Abandon the Oath I took as a young man, in times as these I will "encourage myself with the Lord my God" 1Sam 30,06.
I will strive for the level of Professional Integrity you set and I will not forget those Brothers who like me have transitioned. After all Chief, this is our life.

Patrol East j ric

July 8, 2016

The Wall They walk the wall at night Not conscious to their plight Fending off the demons of darkness At great personal sacrifice They walk the wall at night Securing what is right Giving all they have Honoring their fallen comrades They walk the wall at night So we may slumber in peace Thoughtless to their sacrifice Thoughtless in the night They walk the wall at night We pass them by…. Our lips quiver to say “thank you” But our voice falls silent…… This was written to honor all the soldiers of the military and civilian law enforcement as well, that we take for granted every day. You might say...”Well it is their choice, they are compensated”… yes it is their choice…thank God someone is willing to make that choice… Ask yourself, would you? Would you make that sacrifice? Say “Thank You!” when you encounter one of these brave men and women……they will appreciate the recognition, although they do not seek it….

Roger Adams

June 18, 2016

Michael was my brother by different mother ! I loved him and he treated me as his best friend and then some. We rode 30,000 or more miles together on long road trips on Harley Davison motercycles the beat time in my life. God bless him and have him ready to ride together when it my time to go back to god

John davis brother

April 26, 2016

Chief Mike Pimentel was a friend of mine. In addition to being a Police Chief/Officer with Real Compassion for People, He was an Outstanding Photographer!!!. When Chief Pimentel worked as a Police Officer for Corpus Christi Police Dept; he also had a photo studio/photos processing lab called "Flashback Photo". Mike frequently processed film for me for my photo shoots!. Also, we had a very enjoyable experience photographing a model together in his studio. It is such a shame & tragedy that The Government does NOT offer sufficient protection for The Vietnam Veterans War Heroes; other than their Current Inefficient & Covert protection programs! Rest in Peace, Mike. My love to You, and your lovely wife, Brenda.

Jackie White
ProjectFreedom21!!!/Photographer, Writer, Artist.

March 27, 2015

Rest in peace brother and thank you for your service. As you join our brothers and sisters in the hall of heroes, my thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.

PTLM Frank Kapusta
Mohawk PD

November 3, 2014

Robert I read your post and it touched my heart. The Pimentel family is trying to put into law that all police must wear their vests while on duty. If you agree with us please go facebook Chief Michael Pimentel Act and hit like. Also if you would ask of your friends to do the same. Thank you so much Daniel L Pimentel (brother)

Daniel L Pimentel

October 31, 2014

No amount of words despite their sincerity can ever replace what the family, friends, and communities that were loved and served by Chief Pimentel lost on August 23, 2014. As if serving as a leader in law enforcement for 43 years was not more than enough, Chief Pimentel fought to keep the freedom and rights we all enjoy in this great nation shining brightly as an example to the rest of the world by serving in our armed forces.

As a recruit 5 weeks into the Los Angeles Sheriff's Department Academy Class #403, I will be honored to serve my community in law enforcement much in the same way that Chief Pimentel devoted his time and energy towards his career. My greatest wish is to be the type of leader and man that Chief Pimentel subscribed to being each day of his extraordinary life.

To the Chief's family and loved ones, I can only say that the law enforcement community mourns the loss of our brother with you. I am proud to dedicate the rest of my training and future career to the memory of Chief Michael Pimentel.

DST Robert W. Proctor
Los Angeles Sheriff's Department

September 28, 2014

On behalf of my family, I extend our sincerest condolences on the grievous loss you suffered when Michael was killed.

To the Pimentel family, fellow officers, and all who call Michael beloved, my heart goes out to all of you and may you find comfort in your loved ones and your strength in your faith. When my son was killed, the entire law enforcement community in our area embraced us in a circle of love and support, and I know you will receive the same support. It makes the unbearable less torturous, and I pray for your solace.

I also honor his service to our country as a Vietnam vet.

This reflection is sent with the utmost respect for the dedicated service Chief Pimentel gave to his community and the citizens of Texas, and for the supreme sacrifice he and his family made on August 23, 2014.

Phyllis Lasater Loya
mom of fallen officer Larry Lasater

September 26, 2014

On behalf of my family, I extend our sincerest condolences on the grievous loss you suffered when Michael was killed.

To the Pimentel family, fellow officers, and all who call Michael beloved, my heart goes out to all of you and may you find comfort in your loved ones and your strength in your faith. When my son was killed, the entire law enforcement community in our area embraced us in a circle of love and support, and I know you will receive the same support. It makes the unbearable less torturous, and I pray for your solace.

I also honor his service to our country as a Vietnam vet.

This reflection is sent with the utmost respect for the dedicated service Chief Pimentel gave to his community and the citizens of Texas, and for the supreme sacrifice he and his family made on August 23, 2014.

Phyllis Lasater Loya
mom of fallen officer Larry Lasater

September 26, 2014

Rest in peace Chief. Thank you for your service to the kids of San Antonio, the wonderful community of Elmendorf and to our Nation. You died as you lived - a true hero.

Agent Jason O'Toole
GA Composite Medical Board - Investigations

September 22, 2014

God's peace and speed Chief Pimentel. Thank you for your many years of brave, dedicated service. RIP Brother.

P/O R. Popelka #7903
Chicago P.D.

September 21, 2014

Thank you for your service. God bless you brother. My condolences and prayers are with your family.

Chief Richard Vasquez
Town of Woodbury Police Department

September 19, 2014

Thank you for your service and your sacrifice, it will never be forgotten. May God keep your family in His arms.

Special Agent #8268
US Homeland Security Investigations, Phoenix, AZ

September 16, 2014

The National Police Wives Association would like to extend their heartfelt prayers to the family of Police Chief Michael Pimentel and the Elmendorf Police Department during this time. Thank you, Chief Pimentel, for your service.

National Police Wives Association

September 15, 2014



September 14, 2014

God be with you.

Police Officer - -
Mesquite (TX) Police Department

September 8, 2014

My deepest condolences to all the love ones of Chief Pimentel who gave his life in so many ways to the enforcement of laws and to the protection of the people he served. May God bless your love one, and set aside your place in the Kingdom of God.

Retired First Sergeant Thomas Webb
New York State Police - Troop "D"

September 6, 2014

I am so saddened by your loss. Another hero gone before his time. Chief Pimentel will never be forgotten. Please try to remember all the times he was among you perhaps this will bring you some peace.

Stacey Thalmann

Stacey Thalmann
Mother of Ofc. Alex Thalmann EOW 03/31/2014

September 6, 2014

I will miss your voice over the air. Hearing your distinctive voice always reminded me of the Professionals that I worked with. Every request you made through communications served as a constant in proper communication. I never knew what you looked like nor could I point you out in a room, if I had too. That voice, the one that I now contemplate is silent. I'm gone now and had that one sliver of "crossing-paths". So many things, I have to change through transition and yet I will miss so many of them; but none as much as that voice. *Deuteronomy 10; 20.


September 4, 2014


I had the honor and privilege of attending your service today. Meeting your troops. I learned what an amazing person you were, and regret not having met you while you were still with us to learn that first hand. Both a man of law enforcement and family, you touched every life you encountered. Someday you and I will meet and serve again together. My prayers go out to your family and thanks go out to you. Rest in peace.

TFO/Senior Police Officer Steven Lindsay
Austin Police Department, Texas

September 3, 2014

My thoughts and prayers are with Chief Pimentel's family and his Brothers and Sisters in Blue. Rest in peace.

Deputy Johanna Polo
Monroe County Sheriffs Dept Rochester NY

September 2, 2014

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