Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Detective Jared Scott Jensen

Colorado Springs Police Department, Colorado

End of Watch Wednesday, February 22, 2006

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Reflections for Detective Jared Scott Jensen

You are still in all of our hearts! God Bless you and your family.

Willie Sunday
AMR- El Paso County

October 29, 2006

I have not forgotten.

October 23, 2006

eight monhs ago we lost you, Not a day goes by that I don't think of you. You will always be my hero, you gave the ultimate sacrifice and you will always be remembered your memory lives on and you will always be my hero.
Natalie, you are such a strong woman, you have such an amazing heart and I admire you for everything you have been through the last 8 months. You will never be forgotten.

October 23, 2006

Bro, it still seems like a bad dream, but it's been 8 months long. I miss you. Thank you for being there though, it hasn't been unnoticed.

Fallen but Never Ever Forgotten

Jeff Jensen
Brother of Det. Jared Jensen, CSPD EOW 2-22-06

October 23, 2006

Eight months have now passed from that terrible day. Each month I stop here to read the reflections of all the lives you have touched and I am so amazed. Not a day goes by that I don't think of you.


October 22, 2006

My Dear Jared,

Grayness abounds in my days and my nights.
Time passes, the sun comes and goes;
I have slight awareness of it all.

The stars speak your name and
the wind, carrying your spirit, touches my face.
The pain is real ... deep ... and never ending.

Exuding passion, joy, courage and love,
your life was a gift to this world.
A copy of you will never exist.

Braveheart, Star Wars Jedi Warrior defined you well.
Defeating the darkness cost you your life for
without halting, you faced Satan here on earth.

Yours is a most natural grave,
set within God's beauty of mountains,
trees, wild flowers and the kind.

How good that the word HERO marks the spot.
You gave man all that you had 'till there was no more.
Grief, pride, loss, eternal love .. in me .. for you.

Passionately you traded the actor's stage for the badge
for you stated I want my life to count ... to matter.
With courage, your life's goal most certainly accomplished.

Love you, Son
Love you, Jared.


Tom Jensen
I am Jared's Father

October 22, 2006


Over the last 7 1/2 months you have been the pillar of strength, not only for yourself, for Jared's family and us, his CSPD family. On October 6th, 2006 our annual Medal Of Valor luncheon was held. There you stood at the opening ceremony singing America the Beautiful, I have never heard it sound so beautiful then that moment. I know Jared is proud of you and your big performance. You accepted his Police Cross with such dignity and pride. We are your family too. You will never be alone or forgotten. Thank you for your strength for us to go on.


October 13, 2006

To Jonika and all the family, I wish to thank you for the reflection you left on my son's page. What a terrible common grief we must endure. Your brother died a hereo and will NEVER be forgotten. I hope to see you in Washington during National Police week in May 2007. God Bless you Kathy Corr

Kathy Corr
Mother of Fallen Officer Joseph Corr NHPD NY

October 11, 2006


It seems I visit this site a lot now, I love reading about all the lives you touched. I had my fundraiser this past weekend and raised $600, along with the sale of one brick, for the Peace Officer Memorial is my promise and goal that we will raise the moeny for this fund as quick as possible so that the Memorial can get built as soon as possible. I want a place to go (here in town) to bring Aaron & Faith where they can see their Uncle's name along with the other Fallen Peace Officers.

I have met so many people that you touched their lives....ones you helped when they were in trouble or in a bind....ones that were touched by what you did every day and died doing (protecting all of us).

On October 6th (this past Friday) you received the Police Cross and Medal of Valor....every one stood up and applauded what you did and stood for. You will always have such an impact on all of our lives.

I love you Jared....please continue to watch over all of us. I promise...your memory will live on forever

Love Always,


October 9, 2006

For the Jared's Family...
I'm writing this from heaven. Here I dwell with God above.
There are no more tears of sadness here, but just eternal love.

Please do not be unhappy just because I'm out of sight.
Remember that I'm with you every morning, noon and night.
That day I had to leave you when my life on earth was through,
God picked me up and hugged me and He said, "I welcome you."
He said, It's good to have you back again; you were missed while you were gone.
As for your dearest family, they'll be here later on.
I needed you here badly; you're part of my master plan.
There's so much that we have to do, to help our mortal man."

God gave me a list of things, that he wished for me to do.
And foremost on the list, was to watch and care for you.
And when you lie in bed at night, the day's chores put to flight.
God and I are closest to the middle of the night.

When you think of my life on earth, and all those loving years,
because you are only human, they're bound to bring you tears.
But do not be afraid to cry; it does relieve the pain.
Remember there would be no flowers, unless there was some rain.

I wish that I could tell you all what God has planned.
But if I were to tell you, you wouldn't understand.
But one thing is for certain, though my life on earth is o'er.
I'm closer to you now, than I ever was before.

There are many rocky roads ahead of you and many hills to climb;
but together we can do it by taking one day at a time.
It was always my philosophy and I'd like it for you too...
that as you give unto the world, the world will give to you.

If you can help somebody who's in sorrow and pain,
then you can say to God at night......"My day was not in vain."
And now I am contented....that my life has been worthwhile,
knowing as I passed along the way, I made somebody smile.

So if you meet somebody who is sad and feeling low,
just lend a hand to pick him up, as on your way you go.
When you're walking down the street, and you've got me on your mind;
I'm walking in your footsteps only half a step behind.

And when it's time for you to go.... from that body to be free,
remember you're not're coming here to me.

October 5, 2006

Jared although I did not know you, you have touched my life in a way that I can never explain. I was wounded in the line of duty a few weeks prior to you losing your life in the line of duty. I cried for your wife and family and I prayed for you thinking how unfair life is. My life was spared while your life was taken away........God bless you Jared.

God bless your wife and family may they find peace in their hearts again.

October 5, 2006

I know I have said it before but again I want to thank each and every one of you for your tributes and words of comfort.

I am still finding it very difficult to go through life without Jared's smile,hugs and words of wisdom. I desperately want to reach thru the heavens and bring him back to us.

I did my first "ride along" with your partners a few weeks back. What a wonderful gift that was. I now know without a doubt that you died doing a job you loved and,yes honey, you made a "huge" difference out there. I know you were with us that night and I pray that you are with them each and every night protecting them.

I cannot begin to put into words how thankful I am to be your Mom.

I love you honey and God - please wrap Your arms around Jared for me. I am so thankful You let me be his Mom.

Debby Hudson
Jared's Mom

October 2, 2006

-Author unknown

Taking cover….shots fired,
Then you hear that sound.
The unmistakable crackle of the radio,
Those feared words, “Officer Down.”

One more fallen comrade,
The number continues to grow.
Sorrow fills one’s heart,
Trying not to let the anger show.

Waging a daily battle,
Out there tryin to win the war.
Never knowing what you’ll encounter,
On this stop or from behind the next door.

One more fallen comrade,
Is gone and out of our sight.
Yet guiding us from up above,
Always riding on our right.

I never met Det. Jensen, but I had the chance to hear of him at a conference that I was at. He lived and died a HERO. My thoughts and prayers to the family and to officers of CSPD. Rest my brother in blue, we have the watch now.

Officer T. Houghtaling #632
Gallup Police Department (NM)

October 1, 2006

God Bless you Detective Jensen for protecting your community and paying the ultimate price. I read a message from Mrs. Jensen on my son's reflection page. Thank you for your concerns. I'm begining to feel that all of us are becoming a family but haven't met yet. I hope to see many at the Washington DC Memorial in May 2007. I will shed tears tonight for my son, Joe, and all who gave their lives.

Kathy Corr
Mother of Joseph Corr New Hartford NY Police DEpt EOW 2/27/06

September 30, 2006

Those we love, don't go away
They walk beside us every day
Unseen, unheard, but always near
Still loved, still missed, still very dear


September 29, 2006

You were on my heart today...The other day on the seven month anniversary of your death I looked at the picture of kyle saluting the funeral procession and I just lost it. I salute you jrod...I will never forget.


September 24, 2006

seven months has passed, and their is not a day goes by that I don't think about that awful day that took you away. You are missed by so many but never forgotten. Natalie, you are so very strong and very inspirational. I know that Jared loved you. I tell all my friends out here in Arkansas about Jared's legacy and jared's story. Stay strong. God Bless.

September 24, 2006

Detective Jensen,

I have visited your reflections page, as well as the website your father created in your memory, at least once a week since your funeral. It is very evident that you were a very extraordinary person and dedicated police officer.

Thank you for your service. Please watch over us as you walk a beat in the Kingdom. You will not be forgotten.

To Tom, Natalie and the rest of the Jensen Family:

No words will ever be able to feel the void left by Jared's death. Take comfort in the fact that this world is a better place to have known Jared.

Jared didn't die a hero-he lived every day as one.

SSgt Adam Keith
U.S. Air Force Academy Police K-9 Unit

September 24, 2006

To all those who loved and were loved by Jared, may you find comfort in this very profound message shared at the funeral of Officer Tara Drummond, EOW 9/13/05:

"Love never ends, it just changes shape."
(~Brittney, 17, sister of Tara)

When that soft breeze blows across your face - that is Jared - when you feel the warmth of the sun on your face that is Jared, when the silent snow flakes fall on your face - that is Jared. He is saying, "I'm still here, I'm near, I'm always close by, I'm still loving you as much as you love me..."

Another Broken-Hearted Officer's Family

September 23, 2006

In the seven months since you were taken from us, thoughts of you are never far from my heart and mind. Your memory runs strong amongst those left behind. You are not forgotten.

September 22, 2006


As I sit here now and think back of the last 7 months it is incredible that it has been that long. So many things have happened, both good and bad, since you left. I am proud to be a part of some of the honors that have been and will be given in your honor and in the memories of the other officers from this area.
I have had the pleasure of meeting your sister and her family and to know that we have so much in common, well it almost seems like fate that we were to meet. We have talked about that alot. I will have the honor of meeting your mother and father next month and I really look forward to it. You have such a wonderful family, who are doing everything to keep your memory alive.
The time they had with you and the memories they have will carry them until they can stand on their own. They and this community as a whole feel such a loss still and we wont forget what you and your family have sacrificed.

Natalie, though we have yet to meet, please know that my family thinks of you and yours everyday. Im sure there isnt a police wife out there that doesnt think of you and pray for your healing each day. I wish you peace in your heart.

Erin Gibson
Wife of a CSPD Officer

September 22, 2006

My Dear Jared, My Dear Son,

As you know, not a morning, afternoon or evening goes by where I am not thinking of you. I and the world were immensly cheated by the monstrous act that took you from this earth. If not for that horrible, horrible day, we would have continued benefiting from all of the good, all of the joy, passion, commitment to justice and courage that you continuously gave.
Jared, since that day, it has been abundantly clear that the world has not and will never cease to greatly benefit because of the 30 years and 17 days that your presence graced this earth. The ongoing - outpouring of grief, tributes, and testamonials is there to this very day. They will always continue.
You told me in early 2002 that you wanted me to be the first to know, after Natalie, that you were going to change careers. After 18 years (from age 8 to age 26) where acting was your over-riding passion, you were leaving it. You were leaving it, you said, because "you wanted your life to count. You wanted it to matter for something much more important." "Dad," you said, "I am going to work very hard to join the Colorado Springs Police Department." Jared, in the 3 and 1/2 years you were with the CSPD and for ALL time thereafter ... YOU ACHIEVED YOUR GOAL, your quest. Your life matters and counts beyond the most marvelous description. To this day, what you stood for, what you lived for and what you died for, influences so many, many people in such positive ways.
Because of my Faith, my responsibilities to Marilyn, your brother Jeff and your sister Jonika (DePrey Winkler), I will continue my efforts to fight through the horrendous pain of living. As I have often said to you in the past seven months, ... Someday ... someday at God's choosing, I will join you, your brother, Joshua Adam, Your sisters, Jonika Lynn and Jon-Anna Marie. I will be with all 4 of you ... four of my six children in the very presence of Almighty God. Then I will know peace once more. It will be forever.

I Love You Jared, I love you Son.

Tom Jensen
I am Jared's Father

September 22, 2006

Today marks 7 months since you joined Jesus up in heaven. Two days ago we lost another police officer, he was a part of the Aurora PD. I ask that you comfort him up in heaven, let him know we will all keep his memory alive, just as we are keeping yours alive.

Your niece, Faith, turns 7 months tomorrow....and would you believe it, her favorite stuffed animal is Curious George....she loves monkeys just like you. I wish you could hold her, but I know your with us all the time. I feel your hand on my shoulder when I need you the most....or I see your spirit in the sunrise or sunsets over the mountains.

I miss you greatly, as do all of us.

Love Always

Jonika Winkler
Sister of Jared

September 22, 2006

Tomorrow will be 7 months since you were taken so tragically. Yesterday, an officer in Aurora was taken. My heart goes out to your family and friends, and to the family and friends of the officer in Aurora. I will never forget. I think of you daily. Rest in peace.

A Proud CS citizen

September 21, 2006


Although I never met you when I heard of your death my heart sank. We never believe it could happen to us or any of our own... but it does. I stood at your funeral trying to stay strong as I stand next to a CSPD officer who is a best friend and to see my own father across the way standing in the sea of blue. I wish you could have been there to see the honor that was brought to you. Rest in Peace... and please keep your arms of protection around your fellow officers and my best friends.

Mrs Jensen:

My prayers go out for you every night, I tried to imagine what you felt as I stood there... but could not then, nor could I ever come close. Hang in there... take a look at the beautiful mountains today and remember that God loves you and that Jared is in heaven looking over you right now.

Ashley Foxworthy

September 20, 2006

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