Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Sergeant Henry Prendes

Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department, Nevada

End of Watch Wednesday, February 1, 2006

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Reflections for Sergeant Henry Prendes

Although I did not know this officer or his family, I and my family share in the grief and sorrow that so many feel.
My prayers and best wishes, hopes, and dreams are for everyone hurting over this tragedy. Not to forget all our fallen officers from past times and their families too, I hold you all in my prayers. May Heavenly Father grant you peace and happiness quickly, and may we remember that He is taking care of our loved ones that are no longer with us, and so for this, may we thank our God for his care and healing. God bless the Prendes family and all officers.

sally bautista

February 7, 2006

No words can express the sorrow that i feel for Sgt. Prendes family. I hope that his wife and girls can find peace in knowing that Sgt. Prendes was so very proud of them and will always be watching over them just like he did when he was here. My sincere condolences.


February 7, 2006

I am not a police officer, or have any military experiance. I can only speak as a resident of this city. I feel safe in this city, and think that LVMPD does a great job. Sgt. Prendes gave his life, unselfishly, to protect ours, and I could never begin to thank him, or other members of the department for that. I am sorry for your loss to the LVMPD, and most importantly, to the Prendes family... thank you, may god be with your husband, father, and friend.

February 7, 2006

I am so sorry for your loss. My prayers are with the Prendes family. Your love one is with God now. Continue to call on God for strength to get you through this and he will. I know from recent personal experience that he will. May God bless you.

V. Lee

February 7, 2006

Thank you Srgt. Prendes for everything that you did for our Community, you will be missed. May you R.I.P.

To all of the family and friends, my deepest condolences and prayes are for Srgt. Prendes and for comfort of your loss. He is an Angel and at a better place with God. God Bless

Vanessa Rodriguez

February 7, 2006

I just cried when I saw the news. We live in Henderson, and we don't know Henry or his family, but it doesn't make him feel any less of family to us. We find such a feeling of security when an officer drives by or pulls up next to us on the street. God bless Henry so much and his family. Thank you to all Police Officers that give it all to protect us. We are so sorry for this loss, it hurts all of us to lose a great man and person

Sandy Branske

February 7, 2006

I just wanted to offer my sincere condolances to the family of Officer Prendes. I know what the family is going through becuase my Cousin Teri lost her husband April 29th, 2002. His name was Dave March, and he worked for the Los Angeles Sheriffs Dept. He was shot and killed doing a routine traffic stop. I have an EOW sticker on my car to honor Dave, so that I never forget what is that these officers do for us everyday.

I am just so sorry that this family has to go through this now.

(Laughlin Substation)

Monica Carter
LVMPD (Laughlin Substation)

February 7, 2006

Dear Predes Family,
I am so so sorry for what has just happened its incredibley sad when i heard i didnt know how to stop crying remember your hearing this from a 13 year old i am a friend of the altman family and i know that they where there to pay there respects just like i would have doen if i had a way to get down there once again im so so so sorry for what has happened and i hope you guys get through it in good spirit!

Just remember he is in a better place now with the man himself god!



February 7, 2006

Sergeant Henry Prendes, Thankyou so much for your bravery and hard work that you provided in our community. You are a true hero. God Bless you.
For the family and friends of Henry, im sorry for your loss, and he was a true hero in my eyes.


February 7, 2006

Our prayers are with all of the family.

Losing a loved one who swore to protect others is such a hard thing to face yet its something we all have to deal with and pretend it doesnt worry us.

I have husband who is Military and currently deployed because of this Iraq war. I know the pain and worry everyday that you faced knowing that the horrible knock at the door is a possible thing that can tear your life upside down.

Please know we are praying for you all and your loved one is at the right hand of God watching over you and your family.


February 7, 2006

Please accept my condolances. Your husband and father was a hero.

Donna Knight

February 7, 2006

To the Friends, Family, Brothers & Sisters at Las Vegas Metro PD, you are in our thoughts and prayers. Rest In Peace my "Brother".

Sergeant Alan Adair #30-29
Guernsey County Sheriff's Office (OH)

February 7, 2006


jimmy g

February 7, 2006

My deepest thoughts and prayers go out to the Prendes Family. After watching the service it is clear what an outstanding individual Sgt. Prendes was and will be greatly missed by all. Thank you Sgt. Prendes...

Deputy A. Lynn

February 7, 2006

Today is a sad day for the Prendes family and for LVMPD. I don't know Srgt. Prendes but I was touch how wonderful man he is. As I was watching his funeral today I couldn't help but cry. My prayers are with him and his family. RIP HERO SRGT. HENRY PRENDES

February 7, 2006


I had the honor of meeting you and sharing in the stories of your walk with God. I was deeply moved at how you touched the heart and spirit of our dear friend, your wife Dawn.

I walk a different path with Allah. Yet the message is the same. Love your neighbor as you love yourself. Your sacrfice is the ultimate expression of this creed passed down from Isrealite Rabbis, JESUS and Muhammad.

May you walk in paradise side by side with Jesus. You are. I know this in my heart and from my faith that your great service has granted you the ultimate place in paradise. With your leaving this earth you have taught me something that I have forgot and have taken for granted, there will always be a tommorow. I know now that that today this momment is precious. From your sacrifice I have learned now to do the things I say I will because we never know when we will get called home.

In the words of my faith Henry, AS SALAMU ALAIKUM WA RAHMATULLAHI WA BARAKATU, which means May the peace and blessing of God be upon you and your family.

AND most of all, THANK YOU for your service to this city.

With my love and deepest respect.

Michael Venniro

Mike Venniro

February 7, 2006

I did not know Sgt. Prendes, but as watching the tv, I am glad that he was here to protect us and the community that we live in.
May God bless his family and keep them safe. His family will be in my thoughts and prayers


February 7, 2006

I knew you when I was at the Rio and you helped me out a few times. I will always remember what you did for me and the other members of the Security Team at the Rio. God Bless you and your family. You will never be forgotten.

Capt Michael Slate
Marshall County Sheriff's Dept, Guntersville Al

February 7, 2006

my heart goes out to your family god bless your family, may they stay strong.

god bless, you will be missed.


February 7, 2006

As the sister of a California police officer, and his wife also a police officer, I am saddend by Sgt. Prendes death. His courage and dedication to our city, as well as to his wife and children is to be honored by us all. Our city is changing, with growth comes more crime, and it is only due to officers such as Sgt. Prendes that citizens are safe and protected. My heart goes out to his wife and daughters, but especially to his mother. I also have lost a son and know her pain all too well. God bless and keep this family and my prayer is that God holds them in the palm of his hand.

Peggy Pound
The Picus Group

February 7, 2006

Those like you are the ones who risk their lives every day, to help others to feel safe while walking down the street. I will forever remember your name and this day you were laid to rest. Your name as a hero will live on in spirit. Rest in peace sir.

Cindy Edlund

February 7, 2006

First of all, I want to say, you and your family will always be in our prayers. I recently visited Las Vegas. I complained about the overwhelming posterboards of women and and strip clubs. Unfortunately, I never thought on the positive. Those whom protected my husband and I day in day out. This whole week, I saw the community you so much loved and so much faught for. People crying and giving. Tears falling with so much pain held within them.I swallowed my words. Las Vegas has an innocense so pure. Noone would ever have imagined what was going to happen. Among so much tragedy, I understand, God has a plan for everyone. If it took losing you for us to realize how important the officers are to us....we paid a high price. Out of every tragedy, good will follow. They say everyone needs to hear a "thank you" every once and a while. THANK YOU ALL. I have no doubt you are with God. Smile and be proud of the footsteps you left behind. Losing you.. we were taught a costly lesson. The high standards you lived by, will be imitated I'm sure. Be with God and Rest In Peace.


February 7, 2006

To the Prendes Family,

I do not know your family, but my heart and prayers go out to you all. I am very sad to see a father, husband, friend, and great police officer have to leave so soon, but as we all know he is a true HERO . Good luck to your family in future and please know Sgt. Prendes will never be forgoten.

The Kolling Family

February 7, 2006

From our family to yours... Our prayers are with you. Sleep easy Brother.

Collinsville Police Department Illinois

February 7, 2006

deepest sympathy for the sgt prendes immmediate family, friends, and loved ones. we all grieve your loss, even extended family across the country. God rest his soul.

p.o. o'neill #1584
cleveland police

February 7, 2006

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