Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Deputy Sheriff Billy Ray Walls, III

Jessamine County Sheriff's Department, Kentucky

End of Watch Tuesday, November 13, 2001

Leave a Reflection

Reflections for Deputy Sheriff Billy Ray Walls, III

09/08/2003 03:05 hours

Working third shift right now. I can see you laughing now! You know I go to bed with the chickens at dark! I am the only officer out right now and it is too quiet. You know what that means. That is almost as bad as someone asking you, "have you been busy." All heck will probably break loose at any time, especially since we are talking! One of the 2nd shift officers said that they were swamped just before I came out.

We are having terrific weather right now. It feels like fall. Fall is my favorite time of the year. As the wind blew and the leaves fell today I could hear your voice and feel you near me. You have been on my mind constantly for the past few days. I feel like you are trying to tell me something. I think I will call Prissy today and check on your girls. I started to call them a few minutes ago and then I came back to my senses and realized what time it was. I HATE third shift. You know me, hardcore dayshifter!!! I'm getting too old for this. Policing is a young mans game. I don't feel like I will ever make it to retirement. I'm seriously considering becoming a Walmart greeter. At least I could get a discount.
Bobbye has Coroners Firearms training beginning Tuesday. She has been practicing with one of my Glocks. She is getting pretty good. Being married to the Coroner is difficult. Do you know haw hard it is to sleep with one eye open?!? If she even turns over in bed I'm instantly awake trying to remember if I finnished all those honey-do jobs she gave me!!! Heck Billy, I even hid the life insurance policies. I figured that if something happens to me SHE will be the one to make the cause of death ruling AND spend all that money. Probably would be the worst NATURAL CAUSE case anybody had ever seen!!
I took Bobbye over to the memorial in Richmond the other day. She had never been over there. We both dang near flooded the parking lot. Almost stalled out the blazer...
I hope people are checking the Kentucky Department of Criminal Justice Training memorial site. You can leave reflections on it too.
I guess I had better go patrol a while. You know I type slow. In the time it has taken me to type this someone has probably stolen the courthouse parking spaces and all!!

Rest easy Brother.
Miss you 762. Love 775.

John Ballard
Lancaster Police

September 8, 2003

Today and every day, Billy, we miss you.

September 6, 2003

Time does not heal the pain from the loss of such a fine officer, gentleman, husband and father. You are still apart of us and will always be with us as we carry your memory with us daily as we serve.

Sheriff Ray Caudill
Clark County Sheriff's Department

September 4, 2003

Thank you for watching down on Keith........Deb

Debbie Stevens

September 3, 2003

It's great to see that so many people can write and still love you. I hope that every body that reads this knows that you are the what police officers need to be. I talk to Prissy, and she is very strong. I hope that she knows how much she is respected and loved by all of us. I will always be there as long as she needs me!

Trooper Shawn Darby
Kentucky State Police

August 30, 2003

Hey baby
I have so much going on right now. At times I not sure if I'm coming or going. Now Vice Prez of KYCOPS. Took on alot to keep me busy and to hopefully help some also. Billy please help me with all that is going on in my life, give me some direction on what I should do......
As always I love and miss you.


Billy, we buried one of our own on a tragic day for all Officers, and a loss to all citizens. Please welcome Henry with open arms. He was a great man just like you. I think it made us all realize how precious life is and how quick it can end. Your always in our thoughts. Please watch over all the brothers in Law Enforcement. See you in Heaven

Officer Dean Hammond
Lexington Police


Hi, Billy -

I think of you EVERY day, but especially on the 13th . . . . .


Hi Billy, I guess you gave Henry the grand tour, standing by your monument, watching the horse drawn casket, listening to the bagpipes, it was erie, I couldn't keep it together. You are missed by so many people, you can't talk to a group of cops and your name not come up and then it is wistful silence, then shaking heads and "we'll see ya later". I can't believe the impact your death has made on my life, every breath I take is a gift from God....take care, Billy.

KY Peace Officer
Isaiah 40:31

I just found out about this site. Not much on computers and stuff, as you know. I have been sitting here reading your reflections for the last 45 minutes or so. You touched so many lives. I still can't walk into a Speedway and get coffee without thinking about all the time we spent together drinking coffee on S. Broadway with Buck, Mims, Gahafer, and the rest. We had some pretty good conversations and philosophical discussions in there, didn't we! I still get a hankering for a cup around 2100 hrs. every night. Some habits die hard. Unfortunately, we buried another brother today. You can be so proud of your wife. She has been right there to help in any way she can. Say hello to Henry and show him around, I hear Heaven's a big place! Try not to worry about those you left, but know that if they ever need anything, all they need do is ask, and your brothers will provide. It was my honor to know and work with you.

Sgt. Steve Davis (retired)
Lexington-Fayette Urban Co. P. D.

I was just thinking about you today and wanted to leave you a reflection. Well what do you think about your little fish? She has taken to the water and won't let anyone touch her, she is so independent it is scary. She is in that stage where EVERYTHING is hers. Guess what she is doing now, she is saying Debbie, Debbie, Debbie just like you did. She even trys to do it in a deep voice I almost cried when Prissy got her to say to me for the first time. Billy she is so funny (just like her daddy) she keeps us all laughing all the time. Prissy is doing such a good job with her even though it is so difficult for her. You two were so blessed to have Kaley. Well I guess I will get off here for now. Please continue to watch down on all of us and always keep a special watch on Prissy. We love and miss you. Deb

Debbie Stevens


Thank You

Hal Ketchum sings this song. Every time I hear it, I think about you, having to "see your reason for living go first." God Bless...

Tony Arata

Many more miles were behind him then he had left to go
Closing in upon that last one that we all must walk alone
It's the one across the end of the line
We held on and we told stories of the good and bad in all
Of the power and the glory and the lonely days that crawl
And we prayed heaven holds true love
And a satisfied mind

He said I ain't afraid of dyin' 'cause I know there's something worse
When you have to see your reason for living go first
And you get left behind
Some can think of nothing better than to live this life forever
I never wanted no more than was mine
And to lay down some day and go home
With a satisfied mind

He said don't look into the darkness if you want to see true black
Look into a morning's brightness when love ain't comin' back
And you will find there is a darkness that blinds
And don't think wealth is ever having all you want all to yourself
It is found when you are giving what you've had up to someone else
The only difference in the rich and the poor
Is a satisfied mind

He said I ain't afraid of dyin' 'cause I know there's something worse
When you have to see your reason for living go first
And you get left behind
Some can think of nothing better than to live this life forever
I never wanted no more than was mine
And to lay down some day and go home
With a satisfied mind

One life began to fade as one grew brighter

And he said I ain't afraid of dyin' 'cause I know there's something worse
When you have to see your reason for living go first
And you get left behind
Some can think of nothing better than to live this life forever
I never wanted no more than was mine
And to lay down some day and go home
And to lay down some day and go home
With a satisfied mind


Happy Forth baby. We went to Susie's and had a good time. Kaley is still isn't sure of the boom the fireworks make. She liked the pretty colors but wanted to stay inside the house and just look out the window. Love you baby


Even though I never knew you, I feel like I do from all of the great "remember when's" that I always hear about in Central. I have learned a great deal about you and your family. You are a great man and I have the utmost respect for you. Not a day goes by that you are not on my mind when I come in to work. Your memory makes me more determined than ever to keep a close watch and do all that I can and a little more to keep "the guys" safe. Prissy, we all think of you and Kaley. Even though you may not hear from some of us a lot, you all are in our thoughts constantly and wish you and Kaley all of the very best...forever!!! Take care and Happy 4th of July....I bet your fireworks show was far grander than anything put on by RJ Corman!!!


HAPPY 4th of July again, Billy! This is basically the same message I left you last year on the 4th of July, but it all still applies. Once again, wherever I am and whatever fireworks I am watching today, Billy, I will salute you (and the other fallen heros) in my heart with each snap, crackle and pop. Fly high, 762, and thanks one more time for being one of Jessamine County's finest. Today, and every day, you are in our hearts and on our minds.




Happy Fathers Day Baby

I Believe

Every now and then soft as breath upon my skin
I feel you come back again
And it’s like you haven’t been gone a moment from my side
Like the tears were never cried
Like the hands of time are holding you and me
And with all my heart I’m sure we’re closer than we ever were
I don’t have to hear or see, I’ve got all the proof I need
There are more than angels watching over me
I believe, I believe

That when you die your life goes on
It doesn’t end here when you’re gone
Every soul is filled with light
It never ends and if I’m right
Our love can even reach across eternity
I believe, I believe

Forever, you’re a part of me
Forever, in the heart of me
And I’ll hold you even longer if I can
The people who don’t see the most
Say that I believe in ghosts
And if that makes me crazy, then I am
‘Cause I believe

There are more than angels watching over me
I believe, I believe

I love you baby

I will remember you
Will you remember me?
Don't let your life pass you by
Weep not for the memories

I'm so tired, but I can't sleep
Standin' on the edge of something much too deep
It's funny how we feel so much, but cannot say a word
Though we are screaming inside we can't be heard

And I will remember you
Will you remember me?
Don't let your life pass you by
Weep not for the memories

I'm so afraid to love you, but more afraid to lose
Clinging to a past that doesn't let me choose
Where once, there was a darkness, a deep and endless night
You gave me everything you had, oh, you gave me light

And I will remember you
Will you remember me?
Don't let your life pass you by
Weep not for the memories

Weep not for the memories


I know it is hard to imagine yourself ever loving someone again but believe is possible. You may never have a love again exactly like you and Billy shared but you can love someone again. My first husband was killed in the line of duty also....we had more years together than you and Billy thank goodness. I am married again now and love my new husband very much but I admit, it is a different kind of love than I had with my first husband. But I realize I will never have my first husband nor his loving ways back but I know he would want me to be happy with someone. So if you feel like you are ready to try dating again, let your friends know so they can help you....a date with another couple can be easier than alone. Be up front with the man, let him know you have reservations but you're willing to give it your best. What's the worst that could happen? You may even have fun with someone. My prayers are still with you and your little girl and I wish you the best!


I read the reflections from time to time. I know that it has still been just a short period of time, but I know Billy pretty well and he would want you (as I would want my wife and children) to be happy. Please don't think of the sad days, past and present, look to the good days ahead of you. You and Kaley are so special you both deserve the most life can offer. Believe me I don't write or call very often but I trully do think and pray for your family weekly. Just believe, you will find happness. I wish I could help stop your pain but I don't know how. Just believe me please, WE CARE AND WE LOVE AND PRAY OFTEN FOR YOU AND KALEY. GOD BLESS!


You will be remembered in our hearts and prayers forever. I still say a prayer for your family. You were a great man who left a wonderful legacy. Good night, Hero.

Kimberly Kidwell

My beloved, darling Billy, I wish you had been here with us this weekend.

I said that I would not cry when Phillip graduated. Remember how I bawled when you graduated. Well, I did cry, I tried not to, but I just missed you being there so much, that I could not keep from crying.

I know that you are looking after Phillip, and I appreciate it, you know how hard it has been for him.

I think everyone had a good time this weekend and it all went off without a hitch. Now I have to focus on getting a job in Lexington so that we can move back to KY.

WHY couldn't we have done this before we lost you??? I know how much you felt abandoned by me and I am so sorry. But I promise that we will never let Kaley forget who you are and show her pictures and movies of you, so that she grows up knowing you, and how much you love her.

Continue to look over all of us. We certainly need it. I thought it would be easier by now, but some days are so bad that I just cry at anything that reminds me of you. I love you and miss you so much!



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