United States Department of the Treasury - United States Customs Service
United States Department of the Treasury - United States Customs Service, US
EOW: Tuesday, October 30, 2001
Cause: Exposure to toxins
Senior Customs Inspector Richard Anthony Forde
United States Department of the Treasury - United States Customs Service, US
EOW: Tuesday, September 12, 2000
Cause: Motorcycle crash
Aviation Supervisor Pedro Jose Rodriguez-Franco
United States Department of the Treasury - United States Customs Service, US
EOW: Friday, September 18, 1998
Cause: Aircraft accident
United States Department of the Treasury - United States Customs Service, US
EOW: Wednesday, July 14, 1993
Cause: Aircraft accident
United States Department of the Treasury - United States Customs Service, US
EOW: Wednesday, July 14, 1993
Cause: Aircraft accident
Inspector Timothy Cal McCaghren
United States Department of the Treasury - United States Customs Service, US
EOW: Monday, February 19, 1990
Cause: Vehicular assault
United States Department of the Treasury - United States Customs Service, US
EOW: Thursday, November 2, 1989
Cause: Aircraft accident
United States Department of the Treasury - United States Customs Service, US
EOW: Sunday, October 9, 1988
Cause: Vehicular assault
United States Department of the Treasury - United States Customs Service, US
EOW: Sunday, November 15, 1987
Cause: Aircraft accident
United States Department of the Treasury - United States Customs Service, US
EOW: Sunday, November 15, 1987
Cause: Aircraft accident
Patrol Officer Glenn Raye Miles, Sr.
United States Department of the Treasury - United States Customs Service, US
EOW: Friday, February 21, 1986
Cause: Gunfire
United States Department of the Treasury - United States Customs Service, US
EOW: Saturday, October 20, 1984
Cause: Aircraft accident
Patrol Officer John Edwin Hollingsworth
United States Department of the Treasury - United States Customs Service, US
EOW: Saturday, October 20, 1984
Cause: Aircraft accident
United States Department of the Treasury - United States Customs Service, US
EOW: Saturday, January 28, 1984
Cause: Gunfire
Customs Officer George J. Spencer
United States Department of the Treasury - United States Customs Service, US
EOW: Monday, November 30, 1981
Cause: Gunfire
Customs Agent Denis Lee Van Patten
United States Department of the Treasury - United States Customs Service, US
EOW: Monday, December 22, 1980
Cause: Automobile crash
Customs Officer Roger L. Von Amelunxen
United States Department of the Treasury - United States Customs Service, US
EOW: Wednesday, July 30, 1980
Cause: Gunfire
United States Department of the Treasury - United States Customs Service, US
EOW: Thursday, May 24, 1979
Cause: Gunfire
Customs Agent Michael Joseph Reimers
United States Department of the Treasury - United States Customs Service, US
EOW: Thursday, April 19, 1979
Cause: Stabbed
United States Department of the Treasury - United States Customs Service, US
EOW: Thursday, January 12, 1978
Cause: Drowned
United States Department of the Treasury - United States Customs Service, US
EOW: Saturday, May 21, 1977
Cause: Automobile crash
Customs Inspector William Halley
United States Department of the Treasury - United States Customs Service, US
EOW: Friday, July 2, 1976
Cause: Fall
Customs Patrolman George William Singleton
United States Department of the Treasury - United States Customs Service, US
EOW: Monday, December 22, 1975
Cause: Gunfire (Inadvertent)
Special Agent Renault Rene Bayhi
United States Department of the Treasury - United States Customs Service, US
EOW: Tuesday, April 29, 1975
Cause: Gunfire
Patrol Officer Louis David Dixon
United States Department of the Treasury - United States Customs Service, US
EOW: Wednesday, April 24, 1974
Cause: Gunfire
Patrol Officer Charles J. Bokinskie
United States Department of the Treasury - United States Customs Service, US
EOW: Wednesday, April 24, 1974
Cause: Gunfire
Customs Agent Timothy Martin O'Riordan
United States Department of the Treasury - United States Customs Service, US
EOW: Tuesday, September 29, 1964
Cause: Automobile crash
Customs Agent John Henry Sellenthin
United States Department of the Treasury - United States Customs Service, US
EOW: Saturday, September 2, 1961
Cause: Fire
Enforcement Officer Benjamin Bert Stone
United States Department of the Treasury - United States Customs Service, US
EOW: Monday, October 7, 1957
Cause: Gunfire
United States Department of the Treasury - United States Customs Service, US
EOW: Friday, February 4, 1955
Cause: Fall
Inspector Hugh Eugene Donnelly
United States Department of the Treasury - United States Customs Service, US
EOW: Thursday, May 1, 1947
Cause: Accidental
Deputy Collector Pier Harry Bima
United States Department of the Treasury - United States Customs Service, US
EOW: Wednesday, April 16, 1947
Cause: Explosion
Inspector Clarence Jewell Trask, Sr.
United States Department of the Treasury - United States Customs Service, US
EOW: Tuesday, April 8, 1947
Cause: Gunfire
Customs Agent George E. Spencer
United States Department of the Treasury - United States Customs Service, US
EOW: Saturday, February 24, 1945
Cause: Drowned
United States Department of the Treasury - United States Customs Service, US
EOW: Saturday, February 24, 1945
Cause: Heart attack
United States Department of the Treasury - United States Customs Service, US
EOW: Wednesday, February 21, 1945
Cause: Heart attack
Customs Officer Patrick Joseph Black
United States Department of the Treasury - United States Customs Service, US
EOW: Tuesday, August 31, 1943
Cause: Struck by vehicle
U.S. Customs Inspector Joseph Turner Brown
United States Department of the Treasury - United States Customs Service, US
EOW: Tuesday, April 9, 1940
Cause: Gunfire
United States Department of the Treasury - United States Customs Service, US
EOW: Sunday, March 5, 1939
Cause: Drowned
Customs Inspector Lewis Allison Highsmith
United States Department of the Treasury - United States Customs Service, US
EOW: Thursday, January 7, 1937
Cause: Automobile crash
United States Department of the Treasury - United States Customs Service, US
EOW: Wednesday, June 20, 1934
Cause: Gunfire
Inspector Rollin Culberson Nichols
United States Department of the Treasury - United States Customs Service, US
EOW: Tuesday, November 28, 1933
Cause: Gunfire
Inspector Herff Alexander Carnes
United States Department of the Treasury - United States Customs Service, US
EOW: Sunday, December 4, 1932
Cause: Gunfire
United States Department of the Treasury - United States Customs Service, US
EOW: Tuesday, September 27, 1932
Cause: Exposure to toxins
United States Department of the Treasury - United States Customs Service, US
EOW: Monday, May 2, 1932
Cause: Gunfire
Customs Agent Daniel A. Romberger
United States Department of the Treasury - United States Customs Service, US
EOW: Monday, April 25, 1932
Cause: Assault
United States Department of the Treasury - United States Customs Service, US
EOW: Saturday, March 19, 1932
Cause: Heart attack
Customs Officer Clyde Merrill Bristow
United States Department of the Treasury - United States Customs Service, US
EOW: Tuesday, January 12, 1932
Cause: Gunfire
Customs Patrolman Arnold W. Gilbert
United States Department of the Treasury - United States Customs Service, US
EOW: Monday, November 2, 1931
Cause: Vehicle pursuit
Customs Agent Louis E. Babcock
United States Department of the Treasury - United States Customs Service, US
EOW: Monday, August 17, 1931
Cause: Drowned
United States Department of the Treasury - United States Customs Service, US
EOW: Monday, February 9, 1931
Cause: Drowned
United States Department of the Treasury - United States Customs Service, US
EOW: Saturday, August 9, 1930
Cause: Gunfire
Border Patrolman Charles Wilbur Rogers
United States Department of the Treasury - United States Customs Service, US
EOW: Tuesday, September 24, 1929
Cause: Automobile crash
Customs Agent Arthur M. Beaman
United States Department of the Treasury - United States Customs Service, US
EOW: Saturday, July 27, 1929
Cause: Drowned
Customs Agent Clarence Neal Titcomb
United States Department of the Treasury - United States Customs Service, US
EOW: Tuesday, January 15, 1929
Cause: Vehicle pursuit
Inspector Thomas Sampson Morriss
United States Department of the Treasury - United States Customs Service, US
EOW: Sunday, December 23, 1928
Cause: Gunfire
United States Department of the Treasury - United States Customs Service, US
EOW: Tuesday, February 28, 1928
Cause: Gunfire
United States Department of the Treasury - United States Customs Service, US
EOW: Wednesday, January 19, 1927
Cause: Gunfire
United States Department of the Treasury - United States Customs Service, US
EOW: Friday, January 7, 1927
Cause: Gunfire
Special Agent Edward Billings "Ted" Webb
United States Department of the Treasury - United States Customs Service, US
EOW: Saturday, October 9, 1926
Cause: Gunfire
United States Department of the Treasury - United States Customs Service, US
EOW: Sunday, March 1, 1925
Cause: Bomb
United States Department of the Treasury - United States Customs Service, US
EOW: Sunday, January 13, 1924
Cause: Fall
United States Department of the Treasury - United States Customs Service, US
EOW: Tuesday, March 6, 1923
Cause: Gunfire
United States Department of the Treasury - United States Customs Service, US
EOW: Sunday, October 1, 1922
Cause: Gunfire
Inspector Robert Stuart Rumsey, Jr.
United States Department of the Treasury - United States Customs Service, US
EOW: Saturday, August 19, 1922
Cause: Gunfire
District Collector John Fraser Pugh
United States Department of the Treasury - United States Customs Service, US
EOW: Saturday, October 26, 1918
Cause: Boating accident
United States Department of the Treasury - United States Customs Service, US
EOW: Saturday, August 31, 1918
Cause: Gunfire
Mounted Inspector Robert L. Wood
United States Department of the Treasury - United States Customs Service, US
EOW: Monday, July 31, 1916
Cause: Gunfire
Customs Agent Joseph Russell Sitter
United States Department of the Treasury - United States Customs Service, US
EOW: Monday, May 24, 1915
Cause: Gunfire
Inspector John S. H. "Jack" Howard
United States Department of the Treasury - United States Customs Service, US
EOW: Wednesday, February 12, 1913
Cause: Gunfire
United States Department of the Treasury - United States Customs Service, US
EOW: Monday, January 30, 1911
Cause: Gunfire
Customs Inspector Ziba H. Nickerson
United States Department of the Treasury - United States Customs Service, US
EOW: Thursday, July 16, 1908
Cause: Explosion
Customs Inspector Charles F. Atwood
United States Department of the Treasury - United States Customs Service, US
EOW: Thursday, July 16, 1908
Cause: Explosion
United States Department of the Treasury - United States Customs Service, US
EOW: Thursday, March 19, 1908
Cause: Gunfire (Inadvertent)
United States Department of the Treasury - United States Customs Service, US
EOW: Thursday, March 19, 1908
Cause: Gunfire (Inadvertent)
United States Department of the Treasury - United States Customs Service, US
EOW: Sunday, September 23, 1906
Cause: Gunfire
United States Department of the Treasury - United States Customs Service, US
EOW: Friday, December 13, 1901
Cause: Struck by train
Deputy Collector Richard W. Wallace
United States Department of the Treasury - United States Customs Service, US
EOW: Wednesday, November 29, 1899
Cause: Gunfire
United States Department of the Treasury - United States Customs Service, US
EOW: Sunday, November 6, 1898
Cause: Gunfire
Customs Inspector John M. Plunkett
United States Department of the Treasury - United States Customs Service, US
EOW: Friday, July 2, 1897
Cause: Boating accident
Deputy Collector Frank B. Robson
United States Department of the Treasury - United States Customs Service, US
EOW: Wednesday, August 12, 1896
Cause: Gunfire
Customs Inspector John A. Fallon
United States Department of the Treasury - United States Customs Service, US
EOW: Wednesday, November 5, 1890
Cause: Fall
United States Department of the Treasury - United States Customs Service, US
EOW: Friday, January 2, 1880
Cause: Fall
Customs Inspector Alden McLaughlin
United States Department of the Treasury - United States Customs Service, US
EOW: Thursday, August 31, 1871
Cause: Gunfire
Customs Inspector Frank Dupont
United States Department of the Treasury - United States Customs Service, US
EOW: Wednesday, May 26, 1869
Cause: Gunfire
United States Department of the Treasury - United States Customs Service, US
EOW: Friday, December 18, 1868
Cause: Gunfire
United States Department of the Treasury - United States Customs Service, US
EOW: Friday, December 18, 1868
Cause: Gunfire
Inspector William Bird Goodell
United States Department of the Treasury - United States Customs Service, US
EOW: Wednesday, December 16, 1863
Cause: Drowned
Deputy Collector James M. Anderson
United States Department of the Treasury - United States Customs Service, US
EOW: Wednesday, December 16, 1863
Cause: Drowned
United States Department of the Treasury - United States Customs Service, US
EOW: Friday, January 21, 1814
Cause: Gunfire
United States Department of the Treasury - United States Customs Service, US
EOW: Sunday, February 17, 1811
Cause: Hypothermia
Custom House Officer Daniel Miller
United States Department of the Treasury - United States Customs Service, US
EOW: Monday, January 1, 1810
Cause: Gunfire
United States Department of the Treasury - United States Customs Service, US
EOW: Wednesday, August 3, 1808
Cause: Gunfire
United States Department of the Treasury - United States Customs Service, US
EOW: Wednesday, August 3, 1808
Cause: Gunfire
Total Line of Duty Deaths: 94
- Accidental 1
- Aircraft accident 8
- Assault 1
- Automobile crash 5
- Boating accident 2
- Bomb 1
- Drowned 8
- Explosion 3
- Exposure to toxins 2
- Fall 5
- Fire 1
- Gunfire 42
- Gunfire (Inadvertent) 3
- Heart attack 3
- Hypothermia 1
- Motorcycle crash 1
- Stabbed 1
- Struck by train 1
- Struck by vehicle 1
- Vehicle pursuit 2
- Vehicular assault 2
By Month
- January 12
- February 10
- March 6
- April 8
- May 6
- June 1
- July 9
- August 9
- September 7
- October 8
- November 9
- December 9
By Gender
- Male 94
- Female 0
Successor Agency
Washington, DC
39 Fallen Officers
2 Fallen K9's